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Re: [ #460] IESG - Transport - Oakley - new proposal

On Monday, June 21, 2004 13:41:26 -0700 Chris Lonvick <> wrote:

[TRANSPORT] - revise section 6.5

   Two REQUIRED key exchange method has been defined:

Otherwise OK.

[TRANSPORT] - revise section 8.1


[TRANSPORT] - add section 8.2


[NUMBERS] - Add a line in the current Section 4.3


[ARCHITECTURE]  modify 9.2.7 (Security Considerations for TRANS)
Section 9.2.7 discusses Forward Secrecy and PFS, and it specifically
names diffie-hellman-group1-sha1. I'd like to reference both defined
key exchange methods in this section.

Current extract from 9.2.7
   SSH sessions resulting from a key exchange using
   diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 are secure even if private keying/
   authentication material is later revealed, but not if the session
   keys are revealed.  So, given this definition of PFS, SSH does have
Change to:
   SSH sessions resulting from a key exchange using
   diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
   are secure even if private keying/
   authentication material is later revealed, but not if the session
   keys are revealed.  So, given this definition of PFS, SSH does have

I guess this is OK, but I would still rather refer to TRANS section 8 in general, rather than to only the specific methods we happen to define.

 SSH sessions resulting from a key exchange using the diffie-hellman
 method described in [TRANS] Section 8 (including
 diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha1) are
 secure even if private keying/authentication material is later
 revealed, but not if the session keys are revealed.  So, given this
 definition of PFS, SSH does have PFS.

[ARCHITECTURE]  new section 9.2.8 (Security Considerations for TRANS)
A new section 9.2.8 will be needed to discuss the ordering of key
exchange method proposals.

I guess that text looks OK to me. I've sort of become indifferent on this; I won't object strongly if people don't want to add this sort of text.

-- Jeff

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