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Re: Data transfer during key re-exchange

Jacob Nevins wrote:
What happens to "application data" (connection protocol etc) during a
key re-exchange is still not specified by the current transport draft

This has come up at least three times. The WG decision made by Bill
Sommerfeld[1] was that non-rekey-related traffic should be suspended for
the duration of the rekey, but this was not implemented in the draft.

  [1] 19 Oct 2003, thread 'Some questions about "SSH Transport Layer
      Encryption Modes"', <>

Therefore, I propose the following change for the transport draft:

In section 9 "Key re-exchange", between the last two paragraphs, insert
the following paragraph:

  Once a party has sent a KEXINIT message for key re-exchange, it MUST
  NOT send any messages other than DISCONNECT, IGNORE, and DEBUG;
  NEWKEYS; and key exchange method specific messages (message numbers
  30 to 49); until it has sent a NEWKEYS message.  Note however that
  after sending a KEXINIT message, each party MUST be prepared to
  process an arbitrary number of received messages that may be "in
  flight" before seeing a KEXINIT from the other party.

If anyone has objections, this issue should at least go in the issue
tracker, so it doesn't get lost again.

Every time this discussion has come up before I've looked for
the language that I knew was there in section 7.1, and then
found it in section 7.3 (which really is quite clear, if misplaced)

   This message [NEWKEYS] is the only valid message after
   key exchange, in addition to SSH_MSG_DEBUG,
   Implementations MUST NOT accept any other messages
   after key exchange before receiving SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS.

And in section 9,

   Re-exchange is processed identically to the initial key exchange,
   except for the session identifier that will remain unchanged.

I've never quite understood the confusion on this issue... however,
I don't object to the new text.  I do object to it's proposed
location though... I think it should go in Section 7.1 and section
7.3 could be condensed a little bit to remove redunancy.

If a re-enforcing sentance is needed in section 9 (processed identically
including valid packet restrictions) I wouldn't mind that.

I would strike the final paragraph of section 9-- it is wrong (key exchanges _does_ affect the protocols because we stop sending their data for the duration) and only introduces confusion about an issue that is pretty well specified otherwise. I guess we could reword it as our re-enforcing sentance:

   Application data MUST NOT be sent after KEXINIT and prior to  the
   SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS packet; other than this restiction, key exchange
   does not affect the protocols that lie above the SSH transport layer.

- Joseph

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