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Re: Straw Poll on group name

Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
straw poll:
	[A] we should use small integers to refer to common groups
		[sample] diffie-hellman-group2-sha1

	[B] we should refer to groups by size:
		[sample] diffie-hellman-group2048-sha1

	[C] we should refer to groups by the ike number
		[sample] diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

I prefer [B] and I find [C] unacceptable.

The reason is that most application developers and administrators have never even heard of IKE so "Group 14" would not mean anything to them, but they probably would understand the significance of the number 2048.

Using the name "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" is the worst option. It would in my case only lead to a stream of feature requests for the schemes ranging from "diffie-hellman-group2-sha1" to "diffie-hellman-group13-sha1", and would leave me with having to explain that these scheme will not be implemented because they simply do not exist.

Alternative [A] is better than [C], but I prefer [B] since it is the most self-documenting name.

Henrick Hellström

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