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Re: SFTP version negotiation

Niels Möller wrote:
Henrick Hellström <> writes:

I was mostly interested in (a) if there was a "better" way that didn't
require the SFTP sub system to be closed and re-opened, plus (b) why
this version negotiation mechanism was selected to begin with, and not

As for b), my guess is that it was expected that

1. version updates would mostly be backwards compatible, and that

2. the number of versions in use at any given time would be small,
   typically one old version and one newer.

I think these are reasonable assumptions, once the sftp spec matures.

e.g. one in which the client would send a list of each supported
version (which is more or less how the rest of SSH works).

The ssh version exchange (section 4.2 of the transport draft) does't
work the way you describe. To me, it makes a lot of sense to treat
version exchange and algorithm negotiation (which I suspect is what
you're referring to) quite differently.

I don't think it is motivated to introduce any more complex version
negotiation at this time. If I were to read a protocol specification
with two different version negotiation mechanism in it, my immediate
reaction would be that the spec must be a bloated comittee product.

Let's keep things simple.

On the other hand, I was thinking we might have more
people adopt the next version if they didn't have to
support version 4 and 5 in addition to 6.

And since documents describing version 4 and 5 are not
longer available (at least from IETF) and I don't want
to drag cruft documenting older version in the current
version of the draft, it seems prudent to allow people
to skip a version while implementing.

This unfortunate situation is mostly my fault... because
it has taken so long to finish the spec, we have
implementations that are well entrenched at version 3.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the two different
version negotiations is the sign of a protocol
specification period that has lasted too long.

I think it will be simplier in the long run
to have the double version negotiation than
to have popular servers/clients that never
move off of version 3 because version 4 & 5
specifications aren't available, and they
can't maintain backwards compatibility without
those specs.


- Joseph

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