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Re: Message Numbers and Disconnect Codes (fwd)

Chris Lonvick <> writes:

Sorry, but I still find this utterly confusing.

> I was saying that the IANA can control values for 'channel type' of
> "session" and even "", as long as ""
> is registered with the IANA through an RFC - even an Informational RFC.

Exactly what "values" are you talking about here?

 1. Channel type id:s, example: "session"?

 2. Channel request type id:s, example: "pty-req"?

 3. Channel open failure reason codes in the "IETF / connection layer"
    range (0x0000 0000 - 0xFDFF FFFF), example: 0x0000 0001?

 4. Channel open failure reason codes in the "channel-type specific"
    range (0xFE00 0000 - 0xFEFF FFFF), example: 0xFE00 0017?

None of the alternatives make much sense to me (in particular, any
IANA registration of the id "" seems absurd), but
I'd like to know exactly which values you are talking about before I
write more about it.

> From that:
> > > >> > >> 0x0000 0000 - 0xFDFF FFFF        IETF / connection layer
> "session" and "" get to use this range (as long as any
> 'reason code' values have been registered with the IANA through an RFC
> action).

Ok, I only have one clarification: These reason codes should have a
meaning that is reasonably independent of any particular channel-type.
Ideally, the definition of any code in this range should not refer to
any particular channel type, except possibly for examples. Currently
defined values have this character, including SSH_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED,
which is applicable to all the channel types which perform some kind
of forwarding.

> > > >> > >> 0xFE00 0000 - 0xFEFF FFFF        channel-type specific,
> "" gets to use this range.  Others may choose to also use
> "" and honor the associated codes.  These are not
> registered with the IANA.

Ok. Values in this range are defined in the specification for the
corresponding channel type.

> > > >> > >> 0xFF00 0000 - 0xFFFF FFFF        private range, used any way
> No one cares what is used in this range and it will not be honored by
> others.  There's also nothing to register with the IANA.



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