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New drafts

Good to see all the new drafts.

In architecture-17, I see new text

	It should be noted that these names resemble [RFC0822] email
	addresses.  This is purely coincidental and actually has
	nothing to do with [RFC0822].

RFC 822 is long obsolete; shouldn't that refer to 2822?  (Similar
remarks apply to assignednumbers-07 4.6.1.)

I also see

	(commonly known as the Rogaway attack

s/,)/)/ surely?

In assignednumbers-07, 4.2.3, what about reason codes from ffffffea
through ffffffef?  Similar remarks apply to 4.3.3 and 4.4.3.

userauth-22 contains (in the description of password authentication)
more character set issues, similar to those raised by the recent
discussion of filenames.  Built into this text is the assumption that a
password is a sequence of characters; on most systems, it is actually a
sequence of octets, with any conversion between them and characters
left undefined.

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