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RE: new drafts

This looks very wrong.

string = word32 len, byte[len] data

There are no word32 components in the version string. The version string is
actually not a 'string' as defined in [SSH-ARCH]. Its format doesn't fit in
with the rest of the SSH2 protocol in any way, hence the different

The below proposal is rather confusing. I think the way it was was fine.

Best regards,


> I modified the "identification string" from the line 
> explanation to the format used throughout the rest of the 
> documents.  This is in [TRANS] Section 4.2.  Is this acceptable:
>             string    "SSH-"
>             string    protoversion
>             string    "-"
>             string    softwareversion
>             string    <SP> (Space character) only used if 'comments'
>                       are used in the identification string
>             string    comments CR LF - Optional
>             string    <CR><LF>
>    Since the protocol being defined in this set of documents 
> is version
>    2.0, the 'protoversion' MUST be "2.0".  The 'comments' string is
>    OPTIONAL.  If the 'comments' string is included, a 'space' 
> character
>    (denoted above as SP, "<SP>", ASCII 32) MUST separate the
>    'softwareversion' and 'comments' strings.  The 
> identification MUST be
>    terminated by a single Carriage Return and a single Line Feed
>    character (ASCII (denoted above as "<CR><LF>", ASCII 13 and 10,
>    respectively).  Implementors who wish to maintain 
> compatibility with
>    older, undocumented versions of this protocol, may want to process
>    the identification string without expecting the presence of the
>    carriage return character for reasons described in Section 
> 5 of this
>    document.  The null character MUST NOT be sent.  The maximum length
>    of the string is 255 characters, including the Carriage Return and
>    Line Feed.
> The files (.txt, .xml) and the diffs (.html) are all to be found here:
> I just submitted new versions which - since the ID Editors 
> are getting really speedy - may appear later today.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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