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Re: Open Issues from Recent Comments

>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Galbraith <> writes:

    >>> The way I see it, the recent discussion has made clear that
    >>> the benefit of requiring usernames and passwords to be
    >>> normalized when sent as utf8 on the wire, is very
    >>> questionable.
    >> I see the value of specifying the charset on the wire at all as
    >> questionable, since it demands that they be character strings;
    >> an encoding-agnostic system has no way to convert its octet
    >> strings to character strings.  As long as these things are
    >> specified as character strings on the wire, I can't see
    >> anything sensible for an encoding-agnostic OS to do, regardless
    >> of what encoding is chosen, regardless of normalization (if
    >> applicable to the encoding), regardless of almost everything
    >> else in this area.

    Joseph> I will argue strenuously against removing the UTF-8 for
    Joseph> user names and passwords.

I will block the drafts at the IESG if UTF8 is not sent.

I'll respond to the idea of new messages shortly.


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