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Nits in current drafts

I've mentioned some of these before, but all of them still apply to the set of drafts released on Friday.


Section 6.4: replace "The hash algorithms are described in [SCHNEIER]." with "The SHA-1 hash algorithm is described in [FIPS-180-2]. The MD5 hash algorithm is described in [RFC1321]."

Section 6.6: replace each occurrence of "the SHA-1 hash" with "the SHA-1 hash, as defined in [FIPS-180-2],".

Section 6.6: replace "according to [SCHNEIER] and [RFC3447]" with "according to the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme of [RFC3447]".

Sections 8.1, 8.2: replace each occurrence of "SHA-1" with "SHA-1, as defined in [FIPS-180-2],".

Section 15.1: delete references [RFC2693] and [RFC3280].

Section 15.1: add references:

   <reference anchor="RFC1321">
     <title>The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm</title>
     <author initials='R.' surname='Rivest' fullname='Ronald L. Rivest'>
     <date month="April" year="1992"/>
    <seriesInfo name='RFC' value='1321'>

   <reference anchor="FIPS-180-2">
     <title>Secure Hash Standard (SHS)</title>
      <organization>National Institute of Standards and Technology
     <date month="August" year="2002"/>
    <seriesInfo name="FIPS PUB" value="180-2"/>

The references to other FIPS PUBs could do with all having the same format and being in numerical order. I'd suggest replacing them with:

   <reference anchor="FIPS-46-3">
     <title>Data Encryption Standard (DES)</title>
      <organization>National Institute of Standards and Technology
     <date month="October" year="1999"/>
    <seriesInfo name="FIPS PUB" value="46-3"/>

   <reference anchor="FIPS-186-2">
     <title>Digital Signature Standard (DSS)</title>
      <organization>National Institute of Standards and Technology
     <date month="January" year="2000"/>
    <seriesInfo name="FIPS PUB" value="186-2"/>

   <reference anchor="FIPS-197">
     <title>Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)</title>
      <organization>National Institute of Standards and Technology
     <date month="November" year="2001"/>
    <seriesInfo name="FIPS PUB" value="197"/>


Section 5.2: replace second paragraph with:

   After receiving this message, the recipient MAY send the given number
   of bytes more than it was previously allowed to send; the window size
   is incremented.  Implementations MUST correctly handle window sizes of
   up to 2^32 - 1 bytes.  The window MUST NOT be increased above 2^32 - 1

Ben Harris

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