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agent draft (was Re: Secure Shell: Milestone Update.)

Jon Bright writes:
> How much work is needed on the Agent draft?  I'd be prepared to put some
> time into it rather than see it die, but I don't know what its most
> recent status was.  I know I've managed to create an interoperable
> implementation from an old version I found...

>From a skim of draft-ietf-secsh-agent-02, at least:

| The client can add a new private key to the agent with the following
| message. Using this message over the net has security implications, and
| the implementation SHOULD warn the user before decryption or sending the
| private key. (XXX how does ssh-add detect this condition?)

| XXX Additional key-types (for private keys), for example "ssh-rsa-
| encrypted"?

|    /* Argument is string defining the allowed forwarding steps for
|       this key. XXX define this. */

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