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Re: agent draft (was Re: Secure Shell: Milestone Update.)

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 08:44, Niels M?ller wrote:

> But for login, I think it would be even better with something in the
> srp/speke class of password authentication. Important objectives are:
> Use passphrase also to authenticate the server (so we can bootstrap
> without hostkeys). And don't transmit anything on the wire that allows
> an eavesdropper or MITM to mount a dictionary attack. It's REALLY a
> shame almost everything in that area seem to be patented.

The patent isn't the issue -- it's the license terms offered.


Given that many important implementations of ssh are free-as-in-beer, 
anything but royalty-free license terms is not worth our time.

The patents in this space have been very frustrating to a number of IETF

					- Bill

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