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Re: agent draft (was Re: Secure Shell: Milestone Update.)

On Friday, March 18, 2005 02:44:00 PM +0100 Niels Möller <> wrote:

Simon Tatham <> writes:

Bill Sommerfeld  <> wrote:
>  3) if the agent is the only trusted one and the remote system is not
> trusted to see the cleartext private key, the key could be stored
> remotely in encrypted form and decrypted
> by the agent (using a passphrase or other means).  (very different use
> model.)

The PuTTY team has had quite a lot of requests for a use model like
this, because it provides other desirable features such as the
ability to store all your keys encrypted until they're first needed
and ask for their passphrases as required.

This leads to an interesting twist of password authentication.

Setup: User creates a keypair, and encrypts the private half using a
passphrase. (This naturally has to be done on a trusted machine). User
transfers public key and encrypted private key to one or more servers.

Login: Client asks server for encrypted private key. User types in
passphrase to decrypt it. Key is used to sign the session id, just
like for plain publickey authentication.

This seems like an interesting model, and quite possibly the subject of a draft describing a new userauth method. Whether that's something this WG would want to accept as a work item, I don't know -- we seem to already have a lot of documents on our plate that aren't getting enough attention.

My main concern at the moment is that the approach you describe would make it fairly easy to obtain a copy of the encrypted private key on which to perform an offline dictionary attack...

I suppose I could also insert a plug here for the gssapi-with-mic userauth method, used in conjunction with the Kerberos GSSAPI mechanism. It is entirely reasonable for an ssh client to prompt a user to obtain Kerberos tickets by typing a password, then use the resulting tickets to authenticate to the ssh server. In fact, I believe there are configurations in use today which work this way, when the user doesn't already have tickets.

-- Jeff

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