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"arcfour-fixes" draft

As [SSH-TRANS] mentions, its definition of the "arcfour" algorithm suffers from weak keys. I've written a specification for a variant of the algorithm that prevents this by just discarding the beginning of the Arcfour keystream. I've posted it as < internet-drafts/draft-harris-ssh-arcfour-fixes-00.txt>, and invite the WG to comment on it. I think this is at least as important as newmodes, but I appreciate that it may be rather too late to get it turned into a WG draft.

Incidentally, having read more of Fluhrer and McGrew's paper, I think my recommendation in the Security Considerations section to rekey every 1G of data is useless and I intend to remove it in the next revision. I'll try to work out some text that describes the real impact of their discriminator to replace it.

Ben Harris

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