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Re: Comments on draft-ietf-secsh-x509-00

On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 02:47, Henrick Hellstr?m wrote:

> >  3) text regarding recommendations for certificate revocation checks.
> > 
> >  4) discussion of how to handle certificate chains.
> These two points are already covered by PKIX documents. I don't think 
> there are any secsh specific considerations here.

There's at least one:  we should either provide an in-band way to carry
cert chains, CRL's, OCSP, etc., or explicitly declare that such traffic
must flow out-of-band.

A use case which came up in pki4ipsec: a firewalled enclave with its pki
infrastructure inside it, with <insert protocol name here> as the only
way in. 

I was in some sense trolling for text explicitly ruling that use case
out of scope for this document....

						- Bill

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