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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-secsh-publickeyfile-08.txt

der Mouse <mouse%Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA@localhost> squeeked:

>(1) I point out to you the language about line termination characters,
>which is unimplementable nonsense on OSes that don't use line
>termination characters to delimit lines; 

Which OSes can't handle flat text files?  Yes, I know it's possible with a bit
of effort to dig up some OS relic that has record-format files *alongside text
files*, but the only OS I can think of right now that *only* has record-format 
files is CICS, and since AFAIK cryptlib is the only SSH implementation than 
runs on CICS and I don't care how it stores its files, this isn't an issue.  
Thus my comment that your objection is ridiculously pedantic - I can claim (for 
example) that QNX version 2 and earlier use record separators instead of CR or 
LF and that the spec is therefore completely unworkable for people running QNX 
on their PC AT, but in practice I think if anyone's still using that they'll 
be able to cope.  The text as is (that is, saying that you need to be able to 
handle CR and/or LF terminators) is just fine, and as a vast number of other 
IETF specs that work with flat text have shown is perfectly workable and 
adequate.  This is starting to sound like those X3J11 arguments about needing 


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