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SFTP and cross-platform text file detection.


I'm confronted to an interesting problem that might require some precisions in the "SSH file transfer protocol".

Many Windows or Unix modern applications can transparently operate text-files even if they are not in their native format (I.E: Unix texte file for a Windows application).
Stating about the ability for SFTP servers to do so might be intersting since different behaviours could lead to different results.
Since a proper local file format cannot always be guaranteed (I.E: for shared filesystems) a same operation could give very different results.

By example if we compare a text file transfer originating from two kinds of SFTP theorical servers (a "strict" one and a "relaxed" one) it could lead to very different results.
A strict application only recognize its own local newline format.
A relaxed application is capable of reading more than it's own file format (A windows or Unix application that can read both LF and CRLF as a newline).

A Unix text file transfered with a strict SFTP Windows server would be send unchanged (if we imagine that the client has no hint about the file format).
A Unix text file transfered with a relaxed SFTP Windows server would be send transcoded (LF -> CRLF with the default newline convention).

A Windows text transfered with a strict SFTP Unix server would be send transcoded (CRLF -> CRCRLF with the default newline convention).
A Windows text transfered with a relaxed SFTP Unix server would be send transcoded differently (CRLF -> CRLF with the default newline convention).

>From the client side, the resulting file could be very different.

I have restricted the case to Windows and Unix but the problem concerns every kind of SFTP server and text file.

I think that either a relaxed text-file detection should be forbidden or there must be some way to avoid mistakes.

I hope I was clear enough.

What is your opinion ?


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