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[Fwd: do your WG's documents use language tags?]

As my eyes glaze over when it comes to fine points of I18N, I'm
forwarding this query to the WG as a whole....

						- Bill

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Randy Presuhn <>
To: Working Group Chairs <>
Subject: do your WG's documents use language tags?
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 16:42:54 -0700

Hi -

Language tags are used in many applications and protocols,  so
we'd like to get as broad a review as practical of these:
The former would replace RFC 3066 (a BCP), the later would become
an informational RFC.

The ltru working group last call on these concludes July 28.  If you or
people in your WG read either of these, we'd like to hear from you.
Post to, even if all you have to say is "I've read it and
don't have any specific comments on it."


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