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[The IESG] Revised Last Call: 'SSH Transport Layer Encryption Modes' to Proposed

The IESg has picked an inconvenient time to start enforcing rules of
RFC 3967.  RFC 3967 requires that normative references to
informational documents be called out in last call messages unless the
area directors have called out that particular document so many times
that they believe that it no longer requires special notice.  The goal
is to require that normative text is reviewed sufficiently for quality
and to make sure that it is clear enough to implement.

I didn't notice the reference to cast-128 (or at least forgot this
particular rule when I noticed the reference) so the last call was
insufficient.  I'm reissuing the last call.

I am keeping the document on the IESG agenda for September 1.  The
plan is that if no discuss comments are received it will be approved
one week late and if discuss comments are received, we probably will
not have any delay over what is required for the discuss comments.

I will hold the rc4 draft along with this one.  I don't believe I need
a new last call for the rc4 draft because rc4 has been used
sufficiently many times.

--- Begin Message ---
Standard Reply-to:
CC: <>

The IESG has received a request from the Secure Shell WG to consider the 
following document:

- 'SSH Transport Layer Encryption Modes '
   <draft-ietf-secsh-newmodes-05.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This last call is being reissued because this document contains a
normative reference to an informational RFC:

RFC 2144 The CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm. C. Adams. May 1997.

It is customary to include normative references to informational
documents describing cryptographic algorithms.  However the procedures
of RFC 3967 require that this normative reference be called out in the
IETF last call.

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few
weeks, and solicits final comments on this action.  Please send any
comments to the or mailing lists by

The file can be obtained via

IETF-Announce mailing list

--- End Message ---

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