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Protocol Action: 'Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the SSH Transport Layer Protocol' to Proposed Standard

The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the SSH Transport Layer Protocol '
   <draft-ietf-secsh-dh-group-exchange-05.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Secure Shell Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Russ Housley and Sam Hartman.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

  This document describes a new key exchange method for the SSH
  protocol.  It allows the SSH server to propose to the client new
  groups on which to perform the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.  The
  proposed groups need not be fixed and can change with time.

Working Group Summary

  The SecSH Working Group came to consensus on this document.

Protocol Quality

  This document was reviewed by Russell Housley for the IESG.

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