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Re: Changes to SFTP v6: new error messages

> I proposing adding the following text:

>> Implemenations MUST map unrecognized error codes to
>> SSH_FX_GENERAL_FAILURE.  Future revisions of the protocol will add
>> additional error codes without bumping the version number.

I'm not sure I like making it a MUST; for example, this would seem to
prohibit using different text when reporting failure to the user
("unrecognized error #29" versus "generic FAILURE", for example).

How about
	Implementations MUST be prepared to receive unexpected error
	codes and handle them sensibly (such as by treating them as
	equivalent to SSH_FX_FAILURE).  Future protocol revisions will
	add additional error codes without changing the version number.

> And the following two error codes:

>>    The principle specified can not be assigned
>>    as an owner of a file.
>>    The principle specified can not be assigned
>>    as the primary group of a file.

They sound reasonable, but need s/principle/principal/ in the text.

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