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Re: DISCUSS comments on publickeyfile-09


The replacement introduction looks good, but I have a few editorial suggestions below.

  The SSH protocol supports the use of public/private key pairs
  in order to perform authentication (public-key authentication.)

... perform authentication based on public-key cryptography.

  However, in order to use public-key authentication in the SSH
  protocol, public keys must first be exchanged between client
  and server.

  This document formally describes an existing public-key file
  format which can be used with any of the common existing file
  transfer mechanisms in order to exchange public keys.

  The SSH protocol also uses public/private key pairs to
  authenticate the server.  In this scenario, it is important
  to verify that the public key provided by the server is
  indeed the server's public-key.

  This document describes a mechanism for creating a short text
  string that uniquilly represents a public-key (fingerprinting)

... that uniquely represents a particular public key, called fingerprinting.

  for use in manually comparing public keys.

The replacement security considerations text looks good, but I have a few editorial suggestions below.

  The public-key fingerprint method presented here relies on
  the MD5 hash, which is known to have certain weaknesses

... MD5 one-way hash function, which ...

  regarding it's collision-resistance; however, the particular
  use made of MD5 here depends solely on it's 2nd-preimage
  resistance, not on it's collision-resistance.

  MD5 is used here for historical reasons.


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