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authors 48 hours: RFC 4250 <draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-12.txt> NOW AVAILABLE (fwd)


Here's what I intend to send to the RFC Editors. Please review and send specific edits or comments to the list.


Section 4.1.2, remove the following lines from the table
           SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT                      30     [SSH-TRANS]
           SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY                     31     [SSH-TRANS]

Section 4.3.4, first bullet after first paragraph
- remove a comma
      consistent with the proposed, local 'channel type'.  It is assumed
      consistent with the proposed local 'channel type'.  It is assumed

Section 4.5
- replace the paragraph
   SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST messages with a "pty-req" string MUST contain
   "encoded terminal modes".  These "encoded terminal modes" are
   opcode-argument pairs consisting of an opcode and an argument.
   SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST messages with a "pty-req" string MUST contain
   'encoded terminal modes'.  The 'encoded terminal modes' value is a
   byte stream of opcode-argument pairs.

Section 4.5.1, first paragraph
- replace the paragraph
   Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message with
   a "pty-req" string MUST contain "encoded terminal modes" with an
   opcode of 1 byte.  The opcode values are in the range of 1 to 255.
   Opcodes 1 to 159 have a single uint32 argument.  Opcodes 160 to 255
   are not yet defined.
   Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message with
   a "pty-req" string MUST contain a 'encoded terminal modes' value.
   The opcode values consist of a single byte and are in the range of 1
   to 255.  Opcodes 1 to 159 have a uint32 argument.  Opcodes 160 to
   255 are not yet defined.

Section 4.5.2, first paragraph
- replace the paragraph
   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the opcode
   and argument values that make up the "encoded terminal modes" values.
   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the opcode
   values that are used in the 'encoded terminal modes' value.

Section 4.5.2, table
- replace the table header
         opcode  argument       description
         opcode  mnemonic       description

Section 4.5.2, table
- reinstate deleted text
         52    XCASE       Enable input and output of uppercase
                            characters by preceding their lowercase
                            equivalents with "
         52    XCASE       Enable input and output of uppercase
                            characters by preceding their lowercase
                            equivalents with "\".

Section 4.6.1, first paragraph
- add a clause
      at-sign ("@"), a comma (","), whitespace, or control characters
      (ASCII codes 32 or less).  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT
      at-sign ("@"), a comma (","), whitespace, control characters
      (ASCII codes 32 or less), or the ASCII code 127 (DEL).  Names are
      case-sensitive, and MUST NOT ...

Section 4.6.1, third paragraph
- replace the paragraph
   Names with the at-sign in them will have the format of
   "name@domainname" (without the double quotes) where the part
   preceding the at-sign is the name.  The format of the part preceding
   the at-sign is not specified; however, these names MUST be printable
   US-ASCII strings, and MUST NOT contain the comma character (","),
   whitespace, or control characters (ASCII codes 32 or less).  The part
   following the at-sign MUST be a valid, fully qualified internet
   domain name [RFC1034] controlled by the person or organization
   defining the name.  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT be longer
   than 64 characters.  It is up to each domain how it manages its local
   namespace.  It has been noted that these names resemble STD 11
   [RFC0822] email addresses.  This is purely coincidental and has
   nothing to do with STD 11 [RFC0822].  An example of a locally defined
   name is "" (without the double quotes).
   Names with the at-sign in them will have the format of
   "name@domainname" (without the double quotes) where the part
   preceding the at-sign is the name.  The format of the part preceding
   the at-sign is not specified; however, these names MUST be printable
   US-ASCII strings, and MUST NOT contain the comma character (","),
   whitespace, control characters (ASCII codes 32 or less), or the ASCII
code 127 (DEL). They MUST have only a single at-sign in them. The part
   following the at-sign MUST be a valid, fully qualified internet
   domain name [RFC1034] controlled by the person or organization
   defining the name.  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT be longer
   than 64 characters.  It is up to each domain how it manages its local
   namespace.  It has been noted that these names resemble STD 11
   [RFC0822] email addresses.  This is purely coincidental and has
   nothing to do with STD 11 [RFC0822].  An example of a locally defined
   name is "" (without the double quotes).

Section 4.6.2, first paragraph
- change the case of Name
   Requests for assignments of new Names MUST be done through the IETF
   Requests for assignments of new names MUST be done through the IETF

Section 4.7, first paragraph
- replace the paragraph
   The Service Name is used to describe a protocol layer.  The following
   table lists the initial assignments of the Service Names.
   The 'service name' is used to describe a protocol layer.  The following
   table lists the initial assignments of the 'service name' values.

Section 4.9.5
-  substitute "to" for "of"
   There are no initial assignments of the Connection Protocol Subsystem
   There are no initial assignments to the Connection Protocol Subsystem

Section 4.10, first paragraph
- quote a value
   diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 for the name of the second defined group.
   "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" for the name of the second defined group.
   ^                           ^

Section 4.10, second paragraph
- remove a dash
   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the key-
   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the key

Section 4.11.1, FIPS-46-3 reference
- insert a dash
         des-cbc                            [FIPS-46-3] HISTORIC; See
                                              page 4 of [FIPS 46-3]
         des-cbc                            [FIPS-46-3] HISTORIC; See
                                              page 4 of [FIPS-46-3]

Section 6.2, FIPS-46-3 reference
- modify the reference to FIPS-46-3
   [FIPS-46-3]    National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Data
   [FIPS-46-3]    US National Institute of Standards and Technology,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:09:38 -0700
From: RFC Editor <>
Cc: RFC Editor <>, Russ Housley <>,
    Sam Hartman <>,
Subject: authors 48 hours: RFC 4250 <draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-12.txt>


Updated 2005/10/26


This is your LAST CHANCE to make changes to your RFC to be:
draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-12.txt, once the document is
published as an RFC we *WILL NOT* make any changes.

Please check your document at

ATTENTION: The editing process occasionally introduces errors that
were not in the Internet Draft.  Although the RFC Editor tries very
hard to catch all errors, proofreading the text at least twice, typos
can slip through.  You, as an author of the RFC, are taking
responsibility for the correctness of the final product when you OK
publication.  You should therefore proofread the entire RFC carefully
and without assumptions.  Errors in RFCs last forever.

NOTE: We have run a diff tool that compares the approved internet-draft
against our edited RFC version of the document.  Please review this
file at:

The document will NOT BE PUBLISHED until ALL of the authors listed in
the RFC have affirmed that the document is ready to be
published, as ALL of the authors are equally responsible for verifying
the documents readiness for publication.

** Please send us a list of suitable keywords for this document, over
and above those which appear in the title.

	Frequently INCORRECT information includes

	- Contact Information
	- References (are they up to date)
	- Section Numbers
	  (especially if you originally put the copyright somewhere
	  other than the VERY end of the document, or if you numbered
	  the "Status of the Memo" field)

Please send us the changes, *DO NOT* send a new document with the
changes made.  (If we think that the changes might be more than
editorial we will contact the AD or the IESG to confirm that the
changes do not require review.)

Send us the changes in THIS format.

	1)*** SECTION #'s***  [i.e. Section 5, 2nd paragraph]
	2) the text you want changed,
	3) the new correct text and
	4) if the changes are spacing or indentation than please note


	Section 5.6, 3rd paragraph

		The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

		The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox.
				^^^     ^               ^^^

If you have a whole paragraph to replace you do not need to use
the arrow to point out the differences

	INTRODUCTION, 2nd paragraph

	Replace OLD:


	With NEW:


Spacing or indentation problems...

	Section 10, 1st paragraph (remove spaces between bit
	and of, add space after butter)


	Better botter bought a bit
		of bitter butterMary mary quite contrary


	Better botter bought a bit of bitter butter

	Mary mary quite contrary

This document will NOT be published until we receive agreement, from
ALL listed authors, that the document is ready for publication.

Thanks for your cooperation,

-RFC Editor

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