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Re: Core IDs - last review


Very good catches.  Comments in line.

On Sat, 3 Dec 2005, Jacob Nevins wrote:

Chris Lonvick writes:
I've placed a set of diffs from what the RFC Editor had previously
proposed to what is currently being proposed here:

Following is a straight comparison of the change requests you posted to
the WG mailing list and the edits actually made by RFC-Editor, based on
the diffs at (This assumes that what was posted here is
what was sent to RFC-Editor, modulo the corrections also posted here.)
I've also highlighted a few nits with the original change requests.

Executive summary: everything I've picked up is a tedious little nit
which won't affect understanding (with the possible exception of RFC4252
comment 11). Not worth the documents languishing for another month,

RFC4250 (assignednumbers): pathetically tiny nits:
Section 4.5.1, first paragraph
- replace the paragraph
    Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message with
    a "pty-req" string MUST contain "encoded terminal modes" with an
    opcode of 1 byte.  The opcode values are in the range of 1 to 255.
    Opcodes 1 to 159 have a single uint32 argument.  Opcodes 160 to 255
    are not yet defined.
    Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message with
    a "pty-req" string MUST contain a 'encoded terminal modes' value.
    The opcode values consist of a single byte and are in the range of 1
    to 255.  Opcodes 1 to 159 have a uint32 argument.  Opcodes 160 to
    255 are not yet defined.

Nit: was edited as requested, but >>a 'encoded terminal modes' value<<
should be >>an 'encoded terminal modes' value<< in the new text
(2nd line).

I think it's "a value" (or "a blob value") rather than "an value". I'll leave this unless I get an additional request to change it.

Section 4.6.1, first paragraph
- add a clause
       at-sign ("@"), a comma (","), whitespace, or control characters
       (ASCII codes 32 or less).  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT
       at-sign ("@"), a comma (","), whitespace, control characters
       (ASCII codes 32 or less), or the ASCII code 127 (DEL).  Names are
       case-sensitive, and MUST NOT ...

Nit: old text did not say >>a comma (",")<<, it said just
comma (",")<< (1st line). RFC-Editor has inserted "a". This should be


RFC4251 (architecture): pathetically tiny nits:
Section 4.1, last paragraph
-  restore the previous wording
    Thus, providing the option to not check the server host key is
    Thus, providing the option not to check the server host key is

The second-to-last paragraph, which contained a similar phrase, was
edited. The last paragraph was not.


Section 4.3, third bullet in the first paragraph
- modify a line
    depend on the location from which the user is trying to log in.
    depend on the location from where the client is trying to gain

Only 'which' has been changed to 'where'. (To be honest, I'm not too
bothered about the missing changes.)

It still bothers me.  I'll request that it be changed.

Section 4.5, next to last paragraph
- reword the last line
    names.  Straight, bit-wise, binary comparison is RECOMMENDED.
                    ^         ^
    names.  Straight bit-wise binary comparison is RECOMMENDED.

Section 5.4, third paragraph
- remove a comma
   names.  Straight, bit-wise, binary comparison is RECOMMENDED.
   names.  Straight bit-wise, binary comparison is RECOMMENDED.

There is no section 5.4, and this phrase appears only once in the
document. RFC-Editor has implemented the second edit to section 4.5.

I caught that before submitting to the RFC Editor.  Is
   "Straight bit-wise, binary comparison..."

Section 6, first bullet in second paragraph
- add a clause
       at-sign ("@"), a comma (","), whitespace, or control characters
       (ASCII codes 32 or less).  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT
       at-sign ("@"), a comma (","), whitespace, control characters
       (ASCII codes 32 or less), or the ASCII code 127 (DEL).  Names are
       case-sensitive, and MUST NOT

Same comment as assignednumbers re >>a comma<<, except that it does
appear thus in the original version of this document.


RFC4252 (userauth): mostly nits, one borderline-semantic comment:
Section 5, packet description after the first paragrah
- the packet syntax is not consistent with the format used in RFC 4254.
       string    user name in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
       string    service name in US-ASCII
       string    method name in US-ASCII

       The rest of the packet is method-specific.
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.. this line still needs to be removed

       string    user name in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
       string    service name in US-ASCII
       string    method name in US-ASCII
       ....      method specific fields follow

RFC-Editor has put just >>method specific fields<<. (*shrug*.)

I'll think abut this.

Section 5.2, second paragraph
- replace the paragraph
    If no authentication is needed for the user, the server MUST return
    SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, the server MUST return
    SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE and MAY return it with a list of
    authentication 'method name' values.
    If no authentication is needed for the user, the server MUST return
    SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, the server MUST return
    SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE and MAY return it a list of methods that
    may continue in its 'authentications that can continue' value.

RFC-Editor's edit matches this, but on the third line, I'd
s/return it a list/return with it a list/.


Section 7, Second paragraph
- replace the paragraph
    With this method, the possession of a private key serves as
    authentication.  This method works by sending a 'signature' created
    with a private key of the user.  The server MUST check that the key
    is a valid authenticator for the user, and MUST check that the
    'signature' is valid.  If both hold, the authentication request MUST
    be accepted; otherwise, it MUST be rejected.  (Note that the server
    MAY require additional authentications after successful
    With this method, the possession of a private key serves as
    authentication.  This method works by sending a signature created
    with a private key of the user.  The server MUST check that the key
    is a valid authenticator for the user, and MUST check that the
    signature is valid.  If both hold, the authentication request MUST
    be accepted; otherwise, it MUST be rejected.  (Note that the server
    MAY require additional authentications after successful

Parentheses on the final sentence seem to have been removed.

I did request that as well. I couldn't see why it needs to be in parentheses.

Extra edits have appeared in sections 7, 8, and 9 in packet
descriptions: s/service/service name/ in a couple of places.
However, there is still one place in section 8 (packet description after
1st paragraph) where it just says 'service'.

The RFC Editor did miss that.  I'll re-request it.

Section 8, second paragraph
-  change the wording
    added to the database, or compare them (with or without hashing) to
    added to the database, or compared (with or without hashing) to

RFC-Editor hasn't removed the "them". The resulting sentence doesn't
make sense. IIRC the consensus from previous discussion was that the
original edit approached a semantic change, so it would be good to have
this clear.

Got it.

Section 9, in the fourth paragraph
- add a reference
    key' are defined in the transport layer specification.  The 'public
    key' are defined in the transport layer specification [RFC4253].  The 'public

Actually edited to [SSH-TRANS] (which I prefer, and is consistent with
references elsewhere).

I caught that before submitting to the RFC Editor. It is more descriptive that way.

RFC4253 (transport): missing edits, but nits really:
Section 6.1, first paragraph
- revise a line
    larger packets MAY be sent if the version string indicates that the
    larger packets MAY be sent if the identification string indicates that

RFC-Editor's version has lost the final "the" (possibly due to confusing
wrapping as above). Text now reads "[...] indicates that other party is
able [...]".

Got it.

An extra, but welcome, edit has appeared in 6.3 third paragraph.

That was discussed after I posted to the list but before I submitted to the RFC Editor.

Section 7.1, seventh paragraph
- replace the paragraph
    Note, however, that during a key re-exchange, after sending a KEXINIT
    message, each party MUST be prepared to process an arbitrary number
    of messages that may be in-flight before receiving a KEXINIT from the
    other party.
    Note, however, that during a key re-exchange, after sending a
    SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message, each party MUST be prepared to process an
    arbitrary number of messages that may be in-flight before receiving a
    SSH_MSG_KEXINIT messages from the other party.

RFC-Editor's text matches this, but on the last line, "messages" should
be just "message".


Section 8, second paragraph with bullets
- replace the paragraph with bullets
- do not break the bulleted sections across page boundaries
    The following steps are used to exchange a key.  In this, C is the
    client; S is the server; p is a large safe prime; g is a generator
    for a subgroup of GF(p); q is the order of the subgroup; V_S is S's
    version string; V_C is C's version string; K_S is S's public host
    key; I_C is C's KEXINIT message and I_S is S's KEXINIT message that
    have been exchanged before this part begins.

    1. C generates a random number x (1 < x < q) and computes e = g^x mod
       p.  C sends "e" to S.

    2. S generates a random number y (0 < y < q) and computes f = g^y mod
       p.  S receives "e".  It computes K = e^y mod p, H = hash(V_C ||
       V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K) (these elements are
       encoded according to their types; see below), and signature s on H
       with its private host key.  S sends "K_S || f || s" to C. The
       signing operation may involve a second hashing operation.

    3. C verifies that K_S really is the host key for S (e.g., using
       certificates or a local database).  C is also allowed to accept
       the key without verification; however, doing so will render the
       protocol insecure against active attacks (but may be desirable for
       practical reasons in the short term in many environments).  C then
       computes K = f^x mod p, H = hash(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S
       || e || f || K), and verifies the signature s on H.
    The following steps are used to exchange a key.  In this, C is the
    client; S is the server; p is a large safe prime; g is a generator
    for a subgroup of GF(p); q is the order of the subgroup; V_S is S's
    identification string; V_C is C's identification string; K_S is S's
    public host key; I_C is C's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message and I_S is S's
    SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message that have been exchanged before this part

    1. C generates a random number x (1 < x < q) and computes
       'e' = g^x mod p.  C sends 'e' to S.

    2. S generates a random number y (0 < y < q) and computes
       'f' = g^y mod p.  S receives 'e'.  It computes K = e^y mod p,
       H = hash(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K)
       (these elements are encoded according to their types; see below),
       and s ('signature of H') with its private host key.  S sends
       "K_S || f || s" to C. The signing operation may involve a
       second hashing operation.

    3. C verifies that K_S really is the host key for S (e.g., using
       certificates or a local database).  C is also allowed to accept
       the key without verification; however, doing so will render the
       protocol insecure against active attacks (but may be desirable for
       practical reasons in the short term in many environments).  C then
       computes K = f^x mod p, H = hash(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S
       || e || f || K), and verifies the 'signature of H' (s).

The text change requested here has not been performed.
(The requested changes boil down to:
 s/signature s on H/s ('signature of H')/ and similar;
 quote character changes and quote mark additions)

(It's not clear to me what you meant by your request "replace the
paragraph with bullets". Nothing seems to have happened, anyway.)

It meant, "replace the paragraph and all the associated bullets". The RFC Editor requested clarification of my requested changes. Having 'e' and 'f' (rather than naked e and f, and "e" and "f") doesn't really work throughout this section. I'm going to try again.

RFC4254 (connection):
Section 5.2, fourth paragraph
- replace the paragraph
    The maximum amount of data allowed is the current window size.  The
    window size is decremented by the amount of data sent.  Both parties
    MAY ignore all extra data sent after the allowed window is empty.
    The maximum amount of data allowed is determined by the maximum
    packet size for the channel, and the current window size, whichever
    is smaller.  The window size is decremented by the amount of data
    sent.  Both parties MAY ignore all extra data sent after the allowed
    window is empty.

    Implementations are expected to have some limit on the ssh
    transport layer packet size (any limit for rececived packets MUST
    be 32768 bytes or larger, as described in [SSH-TRANS]). The
    implementation of the SSH connection layer

    o   MUST NOT advertise a maximum packet size that would result in
        transport packets larger than its transport layer is willing to

    o   MUST NOT generate data packets larger that its transport layer is
        willing to send, even if the remote end would be willing to
        accept very large packets.

RFC-Editor's changes match the request (modulo the typo 'rececived'
above). A couple of further nits:
 s/ssh transport layer/SSH transport layer/ in the second paragraph;
 s/larger that/larger than/ in the second bullet.


An extra edit was made in section 6.10 first paragraph: remove "after
this message".

It's actually still there.  The page break makes that look strange.

Section 6.10, fourth paragraph
- do not break a hyphen segmented name
    Additional 'signal name' values MAY be sent in the format "sig-
    name@xyz", where "sig-name" and "xyz" may be anything a particular
    Additional 'signal name' values MAY be sent in the format
    "sig-name@xyz", where "sig-name" and "xyz" may be anything a particular

This edit has not been made.


New set of minor change requests on their way.


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