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Re: IUTF8 pseudo-terminal mode

On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 06:20:50PM -0500, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> The original request wasn't really about standardizing handling of UTF-8 in 
> SSH data streams.  That's really outside the scope of the protocol -- 
> unlike telnet, SSH doesn't provide a "virtual terminal"; it connects the 
> shell running on the server to the user's real terminal, and experience has 
> shown this is basically the right thing to do.

Well, yes, but I'm not entirely sure one wouldn't want to negotiate
additional behaviours -- I'm not saying one should as I've not really
thought this through.

> The request here was to enable SSH to pass a platform-specific TTY mode bit 
> which it doesn't currently handle.  The bit in question causes the tty 
> driver on Linux systems to behave in a particular way; specifically, it 
> tells the driver that the user is typing in UTF-8, and that when the user 
> types the ERASE character, the driver should remove a complete character 
> (possibly a multi-byte UTF-8 sequence) from the input buffer.

Got it.

> One could argue that an SSH server running on such a system should look at 
> the configured locale and configure the PTY appropriately, and that's 
> probably even a good idea.  However, a user using 'stty' to change terminal 
> modes at the remote end of an ssh connection has an expectation that the 
> change will propagate to the local terminal as much as possible, and the 
> point of defining a bit for IUTF8 is to help make that possible.

Did you switch local/remote here?


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