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Re: DH key exchange message numbers


Oops as well.  :-(

I'll propose the following errata:


RFC 4253 "The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol"

The table in Section 12.

         SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT             1
         SSH_MSG_IGNORE                 2
         SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED          3
         SSH_MSG_DEBUG                  4
         SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST        5
         SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT         6
         SSH_MSG_KEXINIT                20
         SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS                21

Should be:
         SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT             1
         SSH_MSG_IGNORE                 2
         SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED          3
         SSH_MSG_DEBUG                  4
         SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST        5
         SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT         6
         SSH_MSG_KEXINIT                20
         SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS                21
         SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT             30
         SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY            31


Does this cover it?


On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

On Wednesday, January 18, 2006 06:39:26 PM +0100 denis bider <> wrote:

 Hi all,

 am I the only one who can't find KEXDH message numbers defined anywhere
 in the now published SSH RFCs?

 Given that KEXDH is a required key exchange method, I'd expect those
 message numbers to be defined in the Transport RFC. Yet, when I looked I
 couldn't find the actual message numbers defined. Is this just my
 oversight or is it everyone else's? :-)

Oops. Indeed, those numbers were removed during editing, as a result of what appears to have been some confusion. Someone commented during AUTH48 that they should be removed from assignednumbers (now RFC4250), because they were in the method-specific space and thus didn't need to be (and shouldn't be) in the message number registry.

Unfortunately, they also got dropped from -transport, where the method is actually defined. As a result, these definitions are missing from the protocol suite entirely, which I expect makes it tricky to implement. :-)

The correct numbers are these:
           SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT             30
           SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY            31

I think we need an RFC Errata on this one... :-(

BTW, for those who've been looking for it and can't find it, the SSH
paramaters registry is at
It seems the IANA hasn't yet published a link to that.

-- Jeff

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