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Re: empty user name in gsskeyex

On Saturday, April 08, 2006 10:38:53 PM +1000 David Leonard <> wrote:

I have some concerns with this under-discussed paragraph in gsskeyex-10

  The user name may be an empty string if it can be deduced from the
  results of the GSSAPI authentication. If the user name is not empty,
  and the requested user does not exist, the server MAY disconnect, or
  MAY send a bogus list of acceptable authentications but never accept
  any.  This makes it possible for the server to avoid disclosing
  information about which accounts exist.  In any case, if the user
  does not exist, the authentication request MUST NOT be accepted.

The first sentence mentions a server capability (deducing user names when
passed as blank) the status of which isn't clearly described. If the
feature isn't useful enough to be included properly, then that sentence
should just be deleted.

I think that deducing user names /is/ a convenient feature, so I instead
suggest that the first sentence be replaced with:

  If the user name is an empty string, the server MAY deduce the user
  name from the results of the GSSAPI authentication.

I don't think this is a substantive change in the protocol; it simply describes the existing feature in a way that doesn't suggest the client should be able to guess at the server's capabilities.

And a corresponding provision should also be added to the gssapi-keyex
method section (i.e. repeat the above sentence for keyex)

Just that sentence, without the other three paragraphs about user names from section 3.2?

This is a pretty useful feature for users in my view. But I am worried
that it has too many problems. The current GSSAPI does not provide a way
to portably deduce an account name from credentials. (I'm thinking about
querying credentials to get a GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME name). Maybe one day it

I doubt it. The GSS-API is largely about authentication; it doesn't make authorization decisions for applications, including things like which credentials have what access to what "accounts". The form and meaning of usernames is up to the application, and in SSH, it is specific to the server implementation.

But for now, a server must talk magic to its favourite mechanisms.

Not magic. A GSS-API acceptor can query a context in a portable way to discover the name of the initiator. And, as Nico points out, there is work in progress to define ways to find out additional information. However, making authorization decisions in inherently application-specific, and in the case of SSH usernames, also implementation-specific.

In short, the feature encourages non-standard implementation. That sounds
bad to me.

It encourages servers to define a mapping, or allow the administrator to do so. Since such mappings cannot be standardized in the general case, this is not a problem.

I also noticed an interoperability problem. A good client, not provided
with a username, will try the empty-username first, and if it fails,
assume the server is old and try to deduce a username itself. However,
openssh servers prohibit a client from changing the username during
authentication. The server immediately disconnects. Is that cause for

I don't think so. The SSH specification allows a server to disconnect when a client changes usernames, if the alternative (flushing all authentication state) is too hard for it. So, clients that want to change usernames need to be prepared to establish a new connection if the server terminates the connection on a username change.

Note that in the real world, a "normal" client is unlikely to fall back to deducing a username from whatever credentials GSS-API is using. Instead, it is likely to use a name based on the user's local identity on the client system (for example, the value of $USER on a UNIX system).

-- Jeff

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