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Re: Formal consultation prior to closing the secsh working group

> However, I've come to the conclusion that there is insufficient
> energy in this working group to continue reviewing or producing
> documents.

Well spotted.  I think I agree.

> I'm very concerned about the filexfer draft.  It is well on the way
> to becoming a filesystem, not just an ftp-like protocol.

Agreed.  I thought we had decided that was what we wanted (for values
of "we" that care enough to speak up, at least).

> I am concerned that we don't have enough reviewers to manage the
> complexity of the draft and to force us to make hard decisions about
> what features we really need.

Such decisions are hard only if we don't want a remote filesystem
access protocol instead of just a file transfer protocol.

> I no longer think this working group has sufficient reviewers or
> contributors.  So, I propose to close the working group.

Little as I like it, I am forced to agree.  Would this necessarily
involve shutting down the mailing list?  I can see it still serving a
useful function discussing implementations and interpretation issues.

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