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Intent to close the ssh working group

Based on community feedback it is my intent to close this working
group as soon as the publickey-subsystem draft is either approved by
the IESG or stalls.

Bill has indicated he believes the draft is ready for publication.

The mailing list will remain open.

If the authors of the URI draft update it to include only the ssh URI,
I will accept it as an individual submission after the working group
is closed.  It can keep the same name.

Other ssh drafts may be submitted as individual drafts
(draft-authorname-blah-xx.txt).  Authors are requested to inform that their individual draft replaces the
appropriate draft-ietf-secsh draft.  This message should be included
in the ID submission to notify the secretariat that I'm approving
allowing an individual draft to replace a working group draft.

I will not sponsor the filexfer draft for publication as an IETF
documents.  The authors may talk to the applications or transport area
about forming a new working group to do the work; may request that the
rfc editor publish an informational document as an independent
submission; or drop the drafts.

Sam Hartman
Security Area Director

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