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Re: Last call comments for draft-ietf-secsh-publickey-subsystem-07


Jacob Nevins wrote:
(Apologies for the lateness of these comments.)

Apologies for the delay in replying.

   In the following, "public-key blob" has the format specified
   in section 6.6, "Public Key Algorithms" of the SSH Transport
   Protocol document [2]:

         string    certificate or public key format identifier
         byte[n]   key/certificate data

(Although in fact I'd rather we avoided the term "blob" entirely, as
in publickeyfile, due to the conflict with 4253.)

The suggestion seems OK. I'm not sure what word other than "blob" we could use. "public key object"? "public key representation"? Since we're in IESG evaluation now, I'm not sure what the process is for integrating such a change. If I can issue another rev, I will (unless someone speaks up against it) include this change.

By way of example, I believe this is a well-formed "publickey"
response according to this interpretation (although I haven't tested

I agree that it's well formed.

(Yes, the algorithm name does appear twice on the wire.)

Confused me when implementing 4253, too.

Other, minor comments:

Section 4 "Requests and responses":

I don't understand what the last paragraph means.
Is it meant to imply that a version of other than 2 could change the
semantics of any and all "name" and data parts?

Assuming you meant the last paragraph of 3.2: No, it's just meant to clarify that we're not going to write out length every time.

4.1: attributes:

"x11", "shell", "exec" etc: "The attribute-value field SHOULD be
empty": why not MUST? (Nit, as this doesn't create any actual ambiguity.)

It's not necessary for interoperability (at least not with peers implementing version 2 between one another). It's not an absolute requirement that the attribute-value be empty, the presence or absence of the attribute is decisive. As such, I believe SHOULD to be the correct 2119ish.

"from" (etc): is it worth spelling out what a "host" is in the
"comma-separated list of hosts"? (I presume FQDNs, and IP addresses --
IPv4, IPv6, whatever. No wildcards, suffix matching etc.)

IESG review has turned up a similar comment. I guess a clarification that the from list are FQDNs or IP addresses would work. Again, if another rev happens, it'll include this.

6.2.1 "Conventions for names":
Nit: To reduce confusion, it might be worth changing the example of a
locally defined name from "" to something
more appropriate to the context, say "".

Agreed.  Ditto another-rev comment from above.

Status codes duplicated in 3.3.1 and 6.6.2 (consistently). I reckon 3.3.1 should instead refer to 6.6.2.

Hm, I think I disagree. 3.3.1 is defining stuff for the purposes of the protocol. Unless you happen to be IANA, I'm guessing you could pretty much cut off section 6...

Nit: 6.6.3 says "message numbers" twice where it should say "status codes".

True, will change if possible.

Jon Bright

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