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Questions on X11 forwarding

I'm now reimplementing X11 forwarding, and I have some questions.
There are two other known problems which have been discussed earlier:

1. It would make more sense to *not* have any authentication info in
   this message, and instead put the responsibility of setting up
   proper authentication on the server. Then one also gets rid of the
   wart that the cookie must be hex-encoded.

2. The channel open message,

      byte      SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN
      string    "x11"
      uint32    sender channel
      uint32    initial window size
      uint32    maximum packet size
      string    originator address (e.g., "")
      uint32    originator port

   should really include a channel id of the session for whch the
   forwarding was set up (or some other id that lets the client
   distinguish between several active x11 forwardings).

I haven't been active on this list for a while. I remember somebody
proposing some solution for the second problem. Has there been any
progress made? Something along the lines of

      uint32    recipient channel
      string    "x11-req-foo"
      boolean   want reply
      boolean   single connection
      uint32    x11 screen number

      byte      SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN
      string    "x11-foo"
      uint32    sender channel
      uint32    initial window size
      uint32    maximum packet size
      uint32    corresponding session channel
      string    originator address (e.g., "")
      uint32    originator port

Has anybody else already implemented something like that?


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