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Re: New version: draft-green-secsh-ecc-06

--On Tuesday, April 14, 2009 02:43:01 PM +1000 Douglas Stebila <> wrote:

The "Security Considerations" section talks about the possible need to
replace SHA2 with other algorithms, but the name "sha2" is baked into
the kex method name. Should the hash algorithm be a parameter too?

That's an option, although one that I don't think is worth pursuing at
this point.  The SHA-3 competition is a long way from being done, so
SHA-2 is the gold standard right now.  If there's a desire to see SHA-3
adopted in SSH, it would not be hard to create a short RFC indicating
that SHA-3 could be substituted fro SHA-2, and this draft, while not
explicitly saying how to do it, is very suggestive.

Well, you'd have to not only substitute SHA-3 for SHA-2, but also change the names, since the two wouldn't interoperate.

Including the hash in the kex name is consistent with what we have done in other SSH kex methods, and avoids a multi-level negotiation problem.

-- Jeff

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