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Re: applying AES-GCM to secure shell: proposed "tweak"

Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams%Sun.COM@localhost> writes:

> There has been a security vulnerability that resulted from information
> leaks that take place when the encrypted packet length is decrypted and
> checked before the MAC is verified.  The leak was enormously compounded
> by sending the decrypted packet length in a DISCONNECT packet, but also
> by syslog()ing the decrypted packet length as well.

Thanks. Do you have a pointer to more details?

> I've not looked at how PKCS#11 deals with AEAD, but I'm pretty sure that
> it does not have any support for encrypted pacaket lengths.

I think it would be valuable if you could check that. Other APIs and toolkits
mentioned in the discussion seem to support it. The
says the following as the first item in the feature list (page 2):

  * The GCM functions are "online" in the sense that the lengths of
    the confidential data and the additional, non-confidential data
    are not required in advance; instead, the lengths can be
    calculated as the data arrives and is processed.
I'd expect that implementations allow processing the first block as
soon it it has arrived. (Yes, I realize the above sentence is not
normative in any way, and it might be interpreted differently, but at
least I think it's clear that block-by-block (or even byte-by-byte)
operations are considered reasonable).

(And the last time convenient use of some existing programming API had
a clear and visible impact on the design of the ssh protocols, we got
the "dss_signature_blob" (RFC 4253, section 6.6)...).


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