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Re: Concerns about individual submissions process (c.f. RFC5647 AES-GCM for Secure Shell)

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 11:52:47AM +0300, Jari Arkko wrote:
> As Brian notes, the formal messages go out on ietf-announce. However, I 

Indeed.  I completely forgot about that.  I get so many IETF
announcements that I didn't realize that I was not on that particular
list.  That's my fault, and I'm embarrassed :/

> think all the ADs sponsoring individual documents attempt to reach the 
> right audience. This includes personally reminding key contributors, 
> forwarding the last call announcement to a mailing list if one is still 
> known, etc. We also say so in our published procedures:

Indeed.  I would not likely have missed an e-mail to the old SECSH WG.

> Of course, its also easy to forget to do this in the midst of all other 
> things that are going on.

Understood.  I've subscribed to ietf-announce, so I won't miss any such
individual I-D IETF LCs again.

Thanks for your replies!


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