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Re: maximum size of packets from client to server

--On Wednesday, September 16, 2009 09:08:45 AM -0700 Thomas Anderson <> wrote:

der Mouse wrote:
While I still think my reading is right, the wording is now frozen
(and thus won't change even if it turns out I'm right) and other
implementations aren't going to change their deployed base overnight
even if they agree with me today.

What determines whether or not an RFC is frozen?

An RFC is immutable once published. The RFC Editor maintains a list of errata on published RFC's, at <>; those generally include editorial and technical errors discovered after publication.

It is possible to update a specification by publishing a new version. However, it seems unlikely that that will happen in this case, unless the SSH specifications are being updated for other reasons.

-- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <>
  Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA

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