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Re: More feedback on draft-igoe-secsh-x509v3-01

--On Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:49:10 AM +1000 Douglas Stebila <> wrote:

 The publickey algorithms and encodings defined in this
 document SHOULD be accepted anyplace in the ssh2
 protocol suite where publickeys are used, including,
 but not limited to hostkeys, publickey authentication
 and hostbased authentication.

Yes, that does seem like a better way of doing it, as apparently we have
missed out on a number of existing areas.  However, I would like to be
able to list of all the existing areas where we believe it does apply in
order to give implementers an idea of what they need to change based on
current standards in order to adopt this (i.e., "including but not
limited to" type language).

Public key algorithms are a fairly straightforward abstraction in the ssh protocol, and we defined two of them up front. Any implementor who doesn't already have this abstraction or something like it is beyond our help. I don't think it's necessary or appropriate for every document that defines a new <foo> algorithm or method to enumerate all the places where the <foo> abstraction is used.

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