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Call for Review on draft-kanno-secsh-camellia-00

Dear List,

We have submitted draft of Camellia for secure shell as an individual
draft, because we found the Camellia patch for OpenSSH.

Camellia draft:
Camellia patch:

Comments about our document would be welcome.

Best regards,

Filename:	 draft-kanno-secsh-camellia
Revision:	 00
Title:		 The Camellia for the Secure Shell Transport Layer Protocol
Creation_date:	 2010-04-26
WG ID:		 Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 10

Secure shell (SSH) is a secure remote-login protocol.  SSH provides
for algorithms that provide authentication, key agreement,
confidentiality, and data-integrity services.  The purpose of this
document is to specify the Camellia cipher as symmetric encryption
algorithm for the SSH Transport Layer Protocol.

The IETF Secretariat.

Satoru Kanno

Security Business Unit
Mobile and Security Solution Business Group
NTT Software Corporation


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