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Re: "too many auth failures"?

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 01:46:12PM +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> [Combining several replies to save space]
> Simon Josefsson <> writes:
> >Also, you could refuse to enter a PIN to get the key skipped...  You could
> >specify what key to use...  You could specify to not use any keys. You could
> >use an agent that gets the PIN.

I wrote that, not Simon :)

> You forgot the one that actually happens, based on extensive real-life
> experience with S/MIME and SSL:
> - The user bypasses the annoying security mechanisms in order to get on with
>   their job and avoid all the crap that their (from their perspective) broken
>   software is throwing at them.

How would they do that from the client side?

Anyways, I suspect that SSH keys are rarely stored on smartcards, so
this isn't a big problem _yet_.  I agree that it will be, ...

...but the most reasonable solution is to hand the smartcard and PIN to
an ssh-agent.  If the user's not willing even to type a PIN _once_, then
smartcards won't succeed.


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