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patch adding IUTF8 support to OpenSSH

Attached is a(n absolutely trivial) patch that adds the IUTF8 terminal
mode (with code 42) to OpenSSH.  Prebuilt Debian packages for those
architectures I was able to build for, for testing and stable
distributions, are available in <URL:

It works for me (transmits the IUTF8 mode when both the server and
client are patched, and, of course, does not break when only one of
them is).  I would love to see some independent confirmation, though.

I understand that the Debian maintainer's position is that this patch
will not be applied until the value is standardized.  So this patch is
submitted for testing purposes.

I have written a separate email to the authors of RFC 4250 to ask for
their guidance on how to get things moving on the standardization
front, although I fear a chickend-and-egg problem.  I am willing to
try writing an Internet draft if nobody else will, but without some
weight to back it up I'm afraid it won't go far.

Happy hacking,

     David A. Madore
   ( )
Description: Add a new tty mode for IUTF8.
Author: David A. Madore <>

--- openssh-6.0p1.orig/ttymodes.h
+++ openssh-6.0p1/ttymodes.h
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ TTYMODE(IXOFF,	c_iflag, 40)
 #ifdef IMAXBEL
 TTYMODE(IMAXBEL,c_iflag, 41)
 #endif /* IMAXBEL */
+#ifdef IUTF8
+TTYMODE(IUTF8  ,c_iflag, 42)
+#endif /* IUTF8 */
 TTYMODE(ISIG,	c_lflag, 50)
 TTYMODE(ICANON,	c_lflag, 51)

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