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Re: SSH keys - draft-ietf-netmod-system-mgmt

On Wed, 2014-04-30 at 08:49 +0200, Niels Möller wrote:
> >     However, if we also keep the leaf algorithm, we need to specify
> >     what happens if the leaf algorithm has a value that is different
> >     from the value embedded in the key blob.
> Right, eliminating this redundancy makes things simpler.

It would, except you can't eliminate it.  The second copy of the
algorithm name is part of the key data format for _certain public key
algorithms_, but not necessarily for all of them.

The right thing here is to leave it as defined - the "algorithm" is a
string naming the public key algorithm, and the "key-data" is an
_opaque_ base64 blob.  The fact that for certain kinds of keys the
opaque blob happens to contain a copy of the algorithm name is

As for what happens when they're different -- it doesn't work!  If you
say you're providing a key for one algorithm and actually provide key
data for a different one, it's simply not going to work.  You could
check when setting a key that the provided key data is valid for the
specified algorithm, but I would very strongly recommend against that.
Doing so requires that whatever's doing the validation understand all
possible key algorithms, which is impossible, since public key algorithm
names are a vendor-extensible namespace.

> I think it would make more sense to have a name that reflects the
> *purpose* of the list of keys, rather than just the data type. E.g., if
> it's authorization keys for logging in to the users account, it could be
> "authorized-ssh-keys" or something like that.


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