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SSH extensions for Asserted Identities and WebSocket transport

Hi Jeff et al.,

Many thanks for the encouragement. I've exchanged a few emails on other IETF lists, and am currently working on test implementations as time permits.

Before I dive into the proposed solution(s), I'll describe my motivation. Essentially, I'd like to be able to extend existing application-servers that use SecSH as a transport to support authentication by federated identities such as SAML.

My initial point of attack was going to be adding a generic "asserted identity" mechanism to the protocol to allow a client to present time-limited signed assertions that the server would accept or reject according to local policy.

I have now shifted focus slightly, and am looking to add support for SASL mechanisms to SSH, and leverage efforts already made at integrating SAML and OpenID with non-web transports. Since the SAML and OpenID RFCs still involve a web loop, it probably makes sense to add an "asserted identity" SASL mechanism too.

A related extension is a standard WebSocket binding for SecSH; this is specifically intended for applications that support the SSH protocol and also expose a web interface. I'm specifically thinking of Gerrit here, but I'd be surprised if there aren't others. Making the HTTP portion of an application server widely accessible is generally simpler in a corporate environment than opening up access to other port numbers, so this would enable wider deployment of SSH-as-a-transport.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Jeffrey Hutzelman <> wrote:
On Tue, 2015-08-11 at 07:27 +0100, Phil Lello wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is this list still in use? I am working on an extension to SSH
> authentication, and would like to create an RFC to standardise the
> mechanism.

As Tom points out, this list doesn't get much traffic these days.
However, it's probably still the best place to reach SSH implementors
and other protocol experts.  So by all means, if you have an extension
to propose, tell us about it.

-- Jeff

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