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Re: SSH key algorithm updates

On Fri, 2015-10-30 at 21:36 +0000, Stephen Farrell wrote:
> On 30/10/15 18:12, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> > Agreed.  In fact, we probably should undertake a general updating of
> > recommended and required crypto algorithms across the protocol. 
> If there's general support for this, then I'd be happy to
> try shift any annoying IETF bureaucracy out of the way. That
> could mean forming a short-lived wg or me AD sponsoring a
> single document if that's all that's needed. I'm happy to
> help with either approach.

I imagine that we could do it with an AD-sponsored document and an
extended IETF last call.  No need to spin up a WG, I hope.

I admit I haven't been paying attention; what's the plan for SHA3?
Should we be thinking about a set of documents to define SHA3-based key
exchange, public key, and MAC algorithms for SSH?

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