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rsa-sha2-256/512: handling of incorrect signature encoding

Hey everyone,

last month, we released versions 7.xx of Bitvise SSH Server and Client, which implement the new rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 signatures.

We thought we worked out any compatibility issues prior to release – the algorithms interoperate with the OpenSSH 7.2p2 versions we’ve tried.

However, we’ve now learned of a user who is connecting from Arch Linux using OpenSSH 7.2 (without p2), and it appears that this version encodes tha rsa-sha2-512 signature (and probably also -256) in a different way than our implementation expects.

The problem is related to the multiple instances of algorithm names encoded in a “publickey” authentication request. First, the algorithm is encoded in the immediate request itself:

string    user name
string    service name
string    "publickey"
boolean   TRUE
string    public key algorithm name
string    public key to be used for authentication
string    signature

In this case:

- "public key algorithm name" should be either "rsa-sha2-256" or "rsa-sha2-512"

- "public key to be used for authentication" should be an "ssh-rsa" public key, like this:

string    "ssh-rsa"
mpint     e
mpint     n

- "signature" should be an "rsa-sha2-256" or "rsa-sha2-512" signature, like this:

string    "rsa-sha2-256" / "rsa-sha2-512"
string    rsa_signature_blob

To summarize, there are three algorithm names being encoded, and they are in sequence:

(1) "rsa-sha2-256" or "-512" or "ssh-rsa"
(2) "ssh-rsa"
(3) "rsa-sha2-256" or "-512" or "ssh-rsa"

The invariants our implementation currently expects are:
- name 1, in the USERAUTH request, can be any of the RSA signature algorithm names
- name 2, in the public key blob, must be "ssh-rsa"
- name 3, in the signature blob, must match name 1

However, what actually happens in OpenSSH 7.2 (not p2) is that name 1 is "rsa-sha2-512", but name 3 is "ssh-rsa". This causes a mismatch and an authentication failure with our implementation, because name 1 does not match name 3.

My questions are:

(A) Should we add "ssh-rsa" - and "ssh-rsa" only, not any other name - as a possible alias in name 3, which should be interpreted as an acceptable alternative if "rsa-sha2-256" or "rsa-sha2-512" is sent in name 1? Is this harmless?


(B) Should we deny an attempt to authenticate using mismatched name 1 and name 3, and inform the user to look into upgrading their software? Note that software often cannot be easily upgraded, and the practical alternative will be to disable the new signature algorithms, and continue to use "ssh-rsa".

If we decide to do (A), should we allow "ssh-rsa" to be accepted in ALL situations where the verifier has out-of-band knowledge that the actual signature algorithm is "rsa-sha2-256" or "-512"?

For example, should a server be able to send an "ssh-rsa" signature that's actually "rsa-sha2-512" because the negotiated algorithm is "rsa-sha2-512"? Or should the accommodation be restricted to client authentication only?

Regardless of what we think is best - should we put a paragraph about this in the rsa-sha2 draft?


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