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Re: [Curdle] Client-side SSH_MSG_EXT_INFO: Use it or lose it principle!

>> it has come to my attention that at least one SSH server
>> implementation (a) advertises support for SSH_MSG_EXT_INFO as
>> defined in RFC 8308, and (b) disconnects on actual receipt of an
>> EXT_INFO message from the client.

Broken software will probably always be with us.

I recall running into implementations that abruptly disconnected -
crashed, presumably - upon receiving various forms of the name@domain
extension syntax.

Speaking of which, and I recognize it's possible nobody here is in a
position to answer this, why does EXT_INFO exist, rather than just
using the DNS extensibility mechanism, with global requests if
necessary?  That's what I've done when I've wanted an extension in
moussh.  (If it's because "some implementations crash", well, that's
always going to be with us, it will be equally true of EXT_INFO, and I
see no need to do more than call them broken and move on.  Perhaps I'm
in a minority in that.)

That said, I've added "add EXT_INFO support to moussh" to my to-do
list.  I'll probably get around to it at some point, though at the
moment moussh hackery is relatively low on my priority list - paying
work is taking up a significant fraction of my time and
COVID-19-related household stuff is soaking up most of the rest.

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