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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/mail/sylpheed sylpheed: Update to 3.7.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 306628:d0f5e9582fb0
user:      szptvlfn <>
date:      Sun Apr 22 22:51:01 2018 +0000
sylpheed: Update to 3.7.0

Changes of Sylpheed

* 3.7.0 (stable)

    * The message catalogs were updated.

* 3.7.0beta1 (development)

    * The function to export the address book to CSV files was added.
    * 'Nick Name' column was added to the address book.
    * Context menu was added to the search result of the query search dialog.
    * When attaching UTF-16 text files, they are automatically converted
      into UTF-8 now.
    * Show original From on the summary view if the display-name seems to
      be an e-mail address.
    * The bug that wrong reply target could be selected when the summary was
      sorted by the unread flag (#286).
    * Win32: the bug that Japanese characters were overlapped on printings
      with some font settings was fixed.
    * Win32: the bug that empty lines were not properly spaced on printings
      with some font settings was fixed.


 mail/sylpheed/Makefile |   7 +++----
 mail/sylpheed/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diffs (34 lines):

diff -r 20d515e95fad -r d0f5e9582fb0 mail/sylpheed/Makefile
--- a/mail/sylpheed/Makefile    Sun Apr 22 22:21:18 2018 +0000
+++ b/mail/sylpheed/Makefile    Sun Apr 22 22:51:01 2018 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.169 2018/04/16 14:34:50 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.170 2018/04/22 22:51:01 szptvlfn Exp $
-DISTNAME=      sylpheed-3.6.0
+DISTNAME=      sylpheed-3.7.0
 CATEGORIES=    mail news x11
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2
diff -r 20d515e95fad -r d0f5e9582fb0 mail/sylpheed/distinfo
--- a/mail/sylpheed/distinfo    Sun Apr 22 22:21:18 2018 +0000
+++ b/mail/sylpheed/distinfo    Sun Apr 22 22:51:01 2018 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.87 2017/07/04 14:35:49 szptvlfn Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.88 2018/04/22 22:51:01 szptvlfn Exp $
-SHA1 (sylpheed-3.6.0.tar.bz2) = 745ee06c083c23442ea2144071658345a057caae
-RMD160 (sylpheed-3.6.0.tar.bz2) = 2048029b7cc1a2fcb19d542b31c66e1213ae909a
-SHA512 (sylpheed-3.6.0.tar.bz2) = 84c59e327690ed7e637e9ce60e630da6cdad771ccc278e31e490ed643da55c295fb47e999ad421fc59dbbcfed990882022b96cf478bd47253692d2e86279c591
-Size (sylpheed-3.6.0.tar.bz2) = 3568998 bytes
+SHA1 (sylpheed-3.7.0.tar.bz2) = 178424466901572b99fbf8e3bd55d6347f727f3c
+RMD160 (sylpheed-3.7.0.tar.bz2) = 09ee37dfc063e76fc3780de613cfd80be917d6d8
+SHA512 (sylpheed-3.7.0.tar.bz2) = 490837528bf7ba9d26994cd5fff00b6e5390a127419b9d0efd9fc25c38be1291d55c5b8daebdf5ca9d9159a51c938449e76212328f3eae40cc039db88cb5caa4
+Size (sylpheed-3.7.0.tar.bz2) = 3612328 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-aa) = f7c6b53c173ca18f9e5e832aec38dd2455242f9c
 SHA1 (patch-configure) = 17e2ee932db99138897485f30cd34c3b115da55e
 SHA1 ( = abfdb54b3400ee00e0c1e99fb5037a1a3c1e2a66

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