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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/misc/calibre calibre: update to 3.24.1.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 308619:70392d9fa09d
user:      wiz <>
date:      Sun May 27 12:48:45 2018 +0000

calibre: update to 3.24.1.

- version: 3.24.1
  date: 2018-05-25

  new features:
    - title: "Conversion: EPUB Output: Add an option to output EPUB 3 files."
      type: major

    - title: "PDF Output: Add an option to break long words at the ends of lines."

    - title: "PDF Output: Allow using images in the header/footer templates"

    - title: "Add an option to use two lines for the text under the toolbar button in Preferences->Look & feel"

    - title: "Edit book: Spell check: Update the number of misspelled words/total words displayed when correcting/ignoring words."

    - title: "Edit book: Fix HTML: Automatically resolve private entities"

    - title: "Improve formatting of help in Preferences->Tweaks"

    - title: "ToC Editor: Allow undo for renaming single items as well."

  bug fixes:
    - title: "Version 3.24.1 fixes a regression in the 3.24 in the editor that caused syncing between the editor and the Preview panel/Live CSS panel to not work correctly"

    - title: "PDF Output: Strip zero-width space characters from the text as their presence prevents searching from working"

    - title: "DOCX Output: Fix <pre> tags not being converted correctly."

    - title: "DOCX Input: Fix incorrect conversion of a framed block that contains a list."

    - title: "Conversion: Fix private entities that use the same name as an HTML entity not being handled correctly"

    - title: "Viewer: Fix HTML files with private entities displaying an artifact at the top"

    - title: "Edit book: Check book: Show an error for HTML files with private entities"

    - title: "EPUB3 Input: Fix titlepage being referred to in the nav causing two titlepage entries in the final book."

    - title: "Fix throbber buttons not being perfectly aligned inside toolbars"

    - title: "Quickview: Fix sizes not being displayed."

    - title: "Edit book: Compress images tool: Do not mark the book as changed if no images could be further compressed."

    - title: "Book list split-view: Fix horizontal scroll position of split view can change when changing the current column in one view."

    - title: "Fix Bookeen Saga not being recognized on macOS/Linux."

    - title: "Edit metadata dialog: Fix undo last trim not working for automatic trims."

    - title: "Content server: Fix series field blank in Italian translation"

    - title: "BeautifulSoup: Port fix from upstream for outputting bare ampersands in strings."

    - title: "calibredb add: Run the input plugins before reading metadata instead of after."

  improved recipes:
    - The New York Times Book Review
    - New York Times
    - Le Devoir

  new recipes:
    - title: The Federalist
      author: Kovid Goyal


 misc/calibre/Makefile |   6 +++---
 misc/calibre/PLIST    |   5 +++--
 misc/calibre/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diffs (64 lines):

diff -r f6c69dfafda3 -r 70392d9fa09d misc/calibre/Makefile
--- a/misc/calibre/Makefile     Sun May 27 12:42:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/misc/calibre/Makefile     Sun May 27 12:48:45 2018 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.202 2018/05/07 11:20:12 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.203 2018/05/27 12:48:45 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=      calibre-3.23.0
+DISTNAME=      calibre-3.24.1
 CATEGORIES=    misc
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
        cd ${WRKSRC}/recipes && pax -wr -pma *.recipe \
        cd ${WRKSRC} && pax -wr -pma Changelog* \
        ${RM} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/calibre-uninstall
diff -r f6c69dfafda3 -r 70392d9fa09d misc/calibre/PLIST
--- a/misc/calibre/PLIST        Sun May 27 12:42:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/misc/calibre/PLIST        Sun May 27 12:48:45 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.86 2018/05/07 11:20:12 wiz Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.87 2018/05/27 12:48:45 wiz Exp $
@@ -3189,6 +3189,7 @@
@@ -3621,6 +3622,6 @@
diff -r f6c69dfafda3 -r 70392d9fa09d misc/calibre/distinfo
--- a/misc/calibre/distinfo     Sun May 27 12:42:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/misc/calibre/distinfo     Sun May 27 12:48:45 2018 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.97 2018/05/07 11:20:12 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.98 2018/05/27 12:48:45 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (calibre-3.23.0.tar.xz) = df946c764918fc8c6d1b61892ef3ec864ab1e95f
-RMD160 (calibre-3.23.0.tar.xz) = 9e735a714a8387247f2d1f4f7359b0e726df647e
-SHA512 (calibre-3.23.0.tar.xz) = 368fc0a947d59a9222b5eb9c1b63cb5c84619c4c7f24f204a916cbd713a1011c77bcb6724318e7a7f5e4068a6828c244f1b5aa2d73a1437855aea233e4c2e2a7
-Size (calibre-3.23.0.tar.xz) = 38942508 bytes
+SHA1 (calibre-3.24.1.tar.xz) = 615c2feb1b9a06f01ed205971ed812d1278b4a8e
+RMD160 (calibre-3.24.1.tar.xz) = 8e56c4f7c25ca5d7aa9690513c1ebb7f3f4514a4
+SHA512 (calibre-3.24.1.tar.xz) = ad8badada76656f6b3bde331bf3c23711149343c56b8d81004bde371805f717425d982302fa35dde25422d7d8481a75ca8f354fd3e7b8e9d03e3d0c1a4f1661a
+Size (calibre-3.24.1.tar.xz) = 39131268 bytes
 SHA1 ( = f309c8f01af375fce1d09bf5c4bac9610cf4e0c5
 SHA1 ( = 8973ede2128cea065860dcc210c45f5f688a93be
 SHA1 ( = 16c3122a612ec9996f774c5c2c9d40a475723662

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