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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/py-hypothesis py-hypothesis: updated to 4.14.2

branches:  trunk
changeset: 332057:51df6b335632
user:      adam <>
date:      Tue Apr 02 09:40:30 2019 +0000

py-hypothesis: updated to 4.14.2

This patch improves the error message if the function f in :ref:s.flatmap(f) <flatmap> does not return a strategy.

This release modifies how Hypothesis selects operations to run during shrinking, by causing it to deprioritise previously useless classes of shrink until others have reached a fixed point.

This avoids certain pathological cases where the shrinker gets very close to finishing and then takes a very long time to finish the last small changes because it tries many useless shrinks for each 
useful one towards the end. It also should cause a more modest improvement (probably no more than about 30%) in shrinking performance for most tests.

This release blocks installation of Hypothesis on Python 3.4, which :PEP:reached its end of life date on 2019-03-18 <429>.

This should not be of interest to anyone but downstream maintainers - if you are affected, migrate to a secure version of Python as soon as possible or at least seek commercial support.

This release makes it an explicit error to call :func:floats(min_value=inf, exclude_min=True) <hypothesis.strategies.floats> or :func:floats(max_value=-inf, exclude_max=True) 
<hypothesis.strategies.floats>, as there are no possible values that can be generated (:issue:1859).

:func:floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=-0.0) <hypothesis.strategies.floats> is now deprecated. While 0. == -0. and we could thus generate either if comparing by value, violating the sequence ordering 
of floats is a special case we don't want or need.

This release should significantly reduce the amount of memory that Hypothesis uses for representing large test cases, by storing information in a more compact representation and only unpacking it 
lazily when it is first needed.

This update adds the :obj:~hypothesis.settings.report_multiple_bugs setting, which you can use to disable multi-bug reporting and only raise whichever bug had the smallest minimal example. This is 
occasionally useful when using a debugger or tools that annotate tracebacks via introspection.

This change makes a tiny improvement to the core engine's bookkeeping. There is no user-visible change.

This release changes some of Hypothesis's internal shrinking behaviour in order to reduce memory usage and hopefully improve performance.

This release adds a micro-optimisation to how Hypothesis handles debug reporting internally. Hard to shrink test may see a slight performance improvement, but in most common scenarios it is unlikely 
to be noticeable.

This release removes some redundant code that was no longer needed but was still running a significant amount of computation and allocation on the hot path. This should result in a modest speed 
improvement for most tests, especially those with large test cases.

This release adds a micro-optimisation to how Hypothesis caches test cases. This will cause a small improvement in speed and memory usage for large test cases, but in most common scenarios it is 
unlikely to be noticeable.

This release removes some internal code that populates a field that is no longer used anywhere. This should result in some modest performance and speed improvements and no other user visible effects.


 devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile |   4 ++--
 devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (27 lines):

diff -r d9c20a939f1e -r 51df6b335632 devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile
--- a/devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile      Tue Apr 02 09:02:52 2019 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile      Tue Apr 02 09:40:30 2019 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.73 2019/03/13 08:51:48 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.74 2019/04/02 09:40:30 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      hypothesis-4.11.1
+DISTNAME=      hypothesis-4.14.2
 CATEGORIES=    devel python
 MASTER_SITES=  ${MASTER_SITE_PYPI:=h/hypothesis/}
diff -r d9c20a939f1e -r 51df6b335632 devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo
--- a/devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo      Tue Apr 02 09:02:52 2019 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo      Tue Apr 02 09:40:30 2019 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.70 2019/03/13 08:51:48 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.71 2019/04/02 09:40:30 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (hypothesis-4.11.1.tar.gz) = f71c17aee3499e70dfbc0e4eee2f4c5e400e7d1a
-RMD160 (hypothesis-4.11.1.tar.gz) = eeb3b8896af8bf25d36c20ca1606cf68012b58f1
-SHA512 (hypothesis-4.11.1.tar.gz) = 6f8db484f6e2607b9e0e4e1307e823d69699ac5aff95acc4f140445f365e6004c72f47cece6b0b4759333c10bafa6cac66ec5c5196fce91dfbd64ac660215dce
-Size (hypothesis-4.11.1.tar.gz) = 192116 bytes
+SHA1 (hypothesis-4.14.2.tar.gz) = dad8e20b668b68be9bf9b4d0884e6674275d9c8c
+RMD160 (hypothesis-4.14.2.tar.gz) = 360932a5751ad19eae200686351aa7f1886ab9e9
+SHA512 (hypothesis-4.14.2.tar.gz) = 08174c678f4707dba2f5d1b07369239636f9f564738df71eac13f1a7f85f56f489cf4c0753e84d688519db9b99fbd37147b87823c74938ef4e5ec7f8203f7433
+Size (hypothesis-4.14.2.tar.gz) = 195165 bytes

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