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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/mail/rspamd rspamd: Update to 1.9.4.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 335526:0b2cddbaedc1
user:      jperkin <>
date:      Fri Jun 21 15:00:12 2019 +0000

rspamd: Update to 1.9.4.

1.9.4: 23 May 2019
  * [CritFix] Fix case sensitivity when parsing Content-Type
  * [Fix] Arc: Another bunch of fixes for arc signing
  * [Fix] Arc: More arc signing fixes
  * [Fix] Avoid another overflow in fpconv
  * [Fix] Fix ARC signing after fixing another bug in it...
  * [Fix] Fix dkim signing exceptions
  * [Fix] Fix some more corner cases for fpconv
  * [Fix] Further fixes to printing of the FP numbers
  * [Fix] Ratelimit: Fix dynamic score

1.9.3: 13 May 2019
  * [Conf] Add IP_SCORE_FREEMAIL composite rule
  * [Feature] Add cryptobox method to generate dkim keypairs
  * [Feature] Add fast hashes to lua cryptobox hash
  * [Feature] Add least passthrough results
  * [Feature] Allow oversign if exists mode
  * [Feature] Clickhouse: Modernise table initial schema
  * [Feature] Implement IUF interface for specific fast hashes
  * [Feature] Lua_util: Allow to obfuscate different fields
  * [Feature] Tune memory management in Rspamd and Lua
  * [Fix] Avoid buffer overflow when printing long lua strings
  * [Fix] Change the default oversigning headers to a more sane list
  * [Fix] Clickhouse: Do not store digest as it is not needed now
  * [Fix] Clickhouse: Fix lots of storage issues
  * [Fix] Clickhouse: Support custom actions
  * [Fix] Deny URLs where hostname is bogus
  * [Fix] Do not blacklist mail by SPF/DMARC for local/authed users
  * [Fix] Fix DoS caused by bug in glib
  * [Fix] Fix UCL parsing of the multiline strings
  * [Fix] Fix buffer overflow when printing small floats
  * [Fix] Fix init code for servers keypairs cache
  * [Fix] Fix issue with urls with no tld (e.g. IP)
  * [Fix] Fix memory in arc signing logic
  * [Fix] Fix memory leak in language detector during reloads
  * [Fix] Fix mixed case content type processing
  * [Fix] Fix processing of the ip urls in file
  * [Fix] Fix use after free
  * [Fix] HTML: Fix `size` attribute processing
  * [Fix] Hum, it seems that 99ff1c8 was not correct
  * [Fix] Lua_task: Fix task:get_from method
  * [Fix] Preserve fd when mapping file to scan
  * [Fix] Re-use milter_headers settings when doing arc signing
  * [Fix] Set dmarc force action as least action
  * [Fix] Switch to GMT
  * [Fix] allow PKCS7 signatures to be text/plain, too
  * [Project] Add initial version of the vault management tool
  * [Project] Add vault support for DKIM and ARC signing
  * [Project] Implement keys rotation in the vault
  * [Project] Improve dkim keys generation for vault
  * [Project] Improve keys creation in rspamadm vault
  * [Rework] Move lua_worker to a dedicated unit
  * [WebUI] Add URL fragments (#) support
  * [WebUI] Fix AJAX request URL

1.9.2: 16 Apr 2019
  * [Conf] Allow to load users plugins from plugins.d
  * [Conf] oversign openpgp and autocrypt headers
  * [Feature] Add SPF FFI library for Lua
  * [Feature] Add more verbosity for SPF caching
  * [Feature] Antivirus: Handle encrypted files specially
  * [Feature] Clickhouse: Slashing - add new fields to CH
  * [Feature] Dkim_signing: Add OpenDKIM like signing_table and key_table
  * [Feature] Dkim_signing: Allow to use new options as maps
  * [Feature] Import fpconv library
  * [Feature] Lua_maps: Allow static regexp and glob maps
  * [Feature] Parse ical files
  * [Feature] Rspamadm: Add dns_tool utility
  * [Feature] Store SPF records digests
  * [Feature] Use fpconv girsu2 implementation for printing floats
  * [Fix] Clickhouse: Use integer seconds when inserting rows
  * [Fix] Fix floating point printing
  * [Fix] Fix processing of embedded urls
  * [Fix] Lua_clickhouse: Fix CH errors processing
  * [Fix] Make spf digest stable
  * [Fix] Properly detect encrypted files in zip archives
  * [Fix] Slashing: Store times in GMT timezone in ClickHouse
  * [Rules] Add additional conditions to perform BTC checks
  * [Rules] Fix pay-to-hash addresses validation

1.9.1: 5 Apr 2019
  * [Conf] Add vendor groups for symbols
  * [Feature] Add `rspamadm template` command
  * [Feature] Allow to add messages from settings
  * [Feature] Allow unconnected DNS servers operations
  * [Feature] Check limits after being set, migrate to uint64
  * [Feature] Greylist: Allow to disable greylisting depending on symbols
  * [Feature] Improve lua binary strings output
  * [Feature] Mime_types: Implement user configurable extension filters
  * [Feature] Mime_types: When no extension defined, detect it by content
  * [Feature] Preprocess config files using jinja templates
  * [Feature] Replies: Filter replies sender to limit whitelisting to direct messages
  * [Feature] Treat all tags with HREF as a potential hyperlinks
  * [Feature] Validate BTC addresses in LEAKED_PASSWORD_SCAM
  * [Fix] Add crash safety for HTTP async routines
  * [Fix] Another fix for Redis sentinel
  * [Fix] Clickhouse: Fix table schema upload
  * [Fix] Core: Fix squeezed dependencies handling for virtual symbols
  * [Fix] Finally fix default parameters parsing in actions section
  * [Fix] Fix ES sending logic (restore from coroutines mess)
  * [Fix] Fix finishing script for clickhouse collection
  * [Fix] Fix priority for regexp symbols registriation
  * [Fix] Fix various issues found by PVS Studio
  * [Fix] Initialize lua debugging earlier
  * [Fix] Neural: Fix training
  * [Fix] Rework cached Redis logic to avoid sentinels breaking
  * [Fix] SURBL: Fix regression in surbl module
  * [Fix] Fix double signing in the milter
  * [Project] Add support of HTTP proxy in requests
  * [Rework] Change lua global variables registration
  * [Rework] Rework HTML content urls extraction
  * [Rework] Start rework of aliasing in Rspamd
  * [WebUI] Combine Scan and Learning into one tab
  * [WebUI] Fix symbol score input type
  * [WebUI] Show grayed out pie
  * [WebUI] Update Throughput summary values dynamically

1.9.0: 12 Mar 2019
  * [Conf] Add missing includes
  * [Conf] Move to options
  * [Conf] Rbl: DWL is actually special whitelist
  * [Conf] Relax some uribl rules
  * [Conf] Remove
  * [CritFix] Html: Entities are not valid within tag params values
  * [Feature] Add `rspamadm mime sign` tool
  * [Feature] Add configgraph utility
  * [Feature] Add dedicated ZW spaces detection for URLs
  * [Feature] Add flag to url object when visible part is url_like
  * [Feature] Add method task:lookup_words
  * [Feature] Add pyzor support (by crosenberg)
  * [Feature] Allow to add upstream watchers to Lua API
  * [Feature] Allow to set rewrite subject pattern from settings
  * [Feature] Better escaping of unicode
  * [Feature] Clickhouse: Allow to store subject in Clickhouse
  * [Feature] Core: Add QP encoding utility
  * [Feature] Core: Add libmagic detection for all parts
  * [Feature] Core: Add support for gzip archives
  * [Feature] Core: Allow to construct scan tasks from raw data
  * [Feature] Core: Detect charset in archived files
  * [Feature] Core: Ignore and mark invisible spaces
  * [Feature] Core: Normalise zero-width spaces in urls
  * [Feature] Core: Process data urls for images
  * [Feature] Core: Relax quoted-printable encoding
  * [Feature] Core: Support RFC2231 encoding in headers
  * [Feature] Core: Support telephone URLs
  * [Feature] Core: allow to emit soft reject on task timeout
  * [Feature] DCC: Add bulkness and reputation checks to dcc
  * [Feature] Elastic: Modernize plugin
  * [Feature] Export visible part of url to lua
  * [Feature] Fuzzy_storage: add preliminary support of rate limits
  * [Feature] HTML: Specially treat data urls in HTML
  * [Feature] Implement event watchers for upstreams
  * [Feature] Implement includes tracing in Lua
  * [Feature] Improve dkim part in configwizard
  * [Feature] Lua_scanners: Add VadeSecure engine support
  * [Feature] Lua_task: Add flexible method to get specific urls
  * [Feature] Mime_types: Add MIME_BAD_UNICODE rule
  * [Feature] Mime_types: Use detected content type as well
  * [Feature] Plugins: Add preliminary version of the external services plugin
  * [Feature] Query sentinel on master errors
  * [Feature] Regexp: Allow local lua functions in Rspamd regexp module
  * [Feature] Rspamadm: Allow to append footers to plain messages
  * [Feature] Rspamadm: Allow to rewrite headers in messages
  * [Feature] Selectors: Add `ipmask` processor
  * [Feature] Settings: Allow hostname match
  * [Feature] Settings: Allow local when selecting settings
  * [Feature] Settings: Allow multiple selectors
  * [Feature] Settings: Allow to inverse conditions
  * [Feature] Support User-Agent in HTTP requests
  * [Feature] Support ed25519 dkim keys generation
  * [Feature] Try to filter bad unicode types during normalisation
  * [Feature] external_services - oletools (olefy) support
  * [Feature] lua_scanners - icap protocol support
  * [Feature] lua_scanners - spamassassin spam scanner
  * [Fix] Add filter for absurdic URLs
  * [Fix] Add some more cases for Received header
  * [Fix] Allow to disable/enable composite symbols
  * [Fix] Arc: Use a separated list of headers for arc signing
  * [Fix] Archive: Final fixes for 7z archives
  * [Fix] Clickhouse: Fix database usage
  * [Fix] Controller: Make save stats timer persistent
  * [Fix] Core: Detect encrypted rarv5 archives
  * [Fix] Core: Don't detect language twice
  * [Fix] Core: Fix address rotation bug
  * [Fix] Core: Fix content calculations for message parts
  * [Fix] Core: Fix emails comments parsing and other issues
  * [Fix] Core: Fix etags support
  * [Fix] Core: Fix headers folding on the last token
  * [Fix] Core: Fix iso-8859-16 encoding
  * [Fix] Core: Fix log_urls flag (and encrypted logging)
  * [Fix] Core: Fix part length when dealing with boundaries
  * [Fix] Core: Fix parts distance calculations
  * [Fix] Core: Fix processing of NDNs of certain type
  * [Fix] Core: Implement logic to find some bad characters in URLs
  * [Fix] Core: treat nodes with ttl properly in lru cache
  * [Fix] Fix Content-Type parsing
  * [Fix] Fix HTTP headers signing case
  * [Fix] Fix control interface
  * [Fix] Fix deletion of the duplicate headers
  * [Fix] Fix emails filtering in emails module
  * [Fix] Fix greylisting log message and logic
  * [Fix] Fix issues with storing of the accepted addr in rspamd control
  * [Fix] Fix maps object update race condition
  * [Fix] Fix memor leaks and whitespace processing
  * [Fix] Fix processing of null bytes in headers
  * [Fix] Fix rcpt_mime and from_mime in user settings
  * [Fix] Fix rfc2047 decoding for CD headers
  * [Fix] Fix rfc2231 for Content-Disposition header
  * [Fix] Fix setting of the subject pattern in config
  * [Fix] Greylist: fix records checking
  * [Fix] HTML: Another HTML comments exception fix
  * [Fix] HTML: Another entities decoding logic fix
  * [Fix] HTML: Fix HTML comments with many dashes
  * [Fix] HTML: Fix entities in HTML attributes
  * [Fix] HTML: Fix some more SGML tags issues
  * [Fix] Ignore whitespaces at the end of value in DKIM records
  * [Fix] MID module: Fix DKIM domain matching
  * [Fix] Milter_headers: Fix remove_upstream_spam_flag and modernise config
  * [Fix] Mime_parser: Fix issue with parsing of the trailing garbadge
  * [Fix] Mime_parser: Fix parsing of mime parts without closing boundary
  * [Fix] Multimap: Fix operating with userdata
  * [Fix] Process orphaned `symbols` section
  * [Fix] Rdns: Fix multiple replies in fake replies
  * [Fix] Rework groups scores definitions
  * [Fix] Set proper element when reading data from Sentinel
  * [Fix] Set rspamd user to initialise supplementary groups on reload
  * [Fix] Settings: Fix selectors usage
  * [Fix] Sort data received from Sentinel to avoid constant replacing
  * [Fix] groups.conf - filename typo
  * [Fix] lua_scanner - oletools typos, logging
  * [Fix] lua_scanners - actions and symbol_fail
  * [Fix] lua_scanners - fix luacheck
  * [Fix] lua_scanners - kaspersky - response with fname
  * [Fix] lua_scanners - savapi redis prefix
  * [Fix] tests - antivirus - fprot symbols
  * [Project] Add concept of flexible actions
  * [Project] Add heuristical from parser to received parser
  * [Project] Add new flags to clickhouse, redis and elastic exporters
  * [Project] Attach new received parser
  * [Project] Fallback to callbacks from coroutines
  * [Project] Implement keep-alive support in lua_http
  * [Project] Lua_udp: Implement fully functional client
  * [Project] Plug keepalive knobs into http connection handling
  * [Project] Rspamadm: Add `modify` tool
  * [Rework] Convert rspamd-server to a shared library
  * [Rework] Dcc: Rework DCC plugin
  * [Rework] Enable explicit coroutines symbols
  * [Rework] Rework telephone urls parsing logic
  * [Rework] Rewrite RBL module
  * [Rework] Settings: Rework settings check
  * [Rework] Slashing: Distinguish lualibdir, pluginsdir and sharedir
  * [Rework] Unify task_timeout
  * [Rework] Use VEX instructions in assembly, relocate
  * [WebUI] Notify user if uploaded data was not learned
  * [WebUI] Remove redundant condition

1.8.3: 03 Dec 2018
  * [CritFix] Make flags mutually exclusive for mime parts
  * [CritFix] Strictly deny unencoded bad utf8 sequences in headers
  * [Feature] Add Kaspersky antivirus support
  * [Feature] Add method to get dkim results
  * [Feature] Add more words regexp classes
  * [Feature] Allow to choose words format in `rspamadm mime`
  * [Feature] Allow to get all types of words from Lua
  * [Feature] Allow to get task flags in C expressions
  * [Feature] Allow to require encryption when accepting connections
  * [Feature] Ignore bogus whitespaces in the words
  * [Feature] Implement more strict configuration tests
  * [Feature] Improve SPF results in Authentication-Results
  * [Feature] Support ClickHouse database
  * [Fix] Add failsafety for utf8 regexps
  * [Fix] Do not trigger BROKEN_CONTENT_TYPE on innocent text parts
  * [Fix] Emit error if connection has been terminated with no stop pattern
  * [Fix] Fix boundaries checks in embedded messages
  * [Fix] Fix double free
  * [Fix] Perform policy downgrade on sample out, add tests
  * [Fix] Properly escape utf8 regexps in hyperscan mode
  * [Fix] Selectors - attachments args condition
  * [Fix] Some fixes for raw parts
  * [Fix] Treat learning errors as non-fatal
  * [Fix] Use tld when looking for DKIM domains
  * [Project] Words unicode structure rework
  * [Project] Add preliminary Redis Sentinel support
  * [Project] Improve Authentication-Results header
  * [Project] Rework DKIM checks results
  * [Project] Use more generalised API to produce meta words

1.8.2: 19 Nov 2018
  * [Conf] Add DWL support in the default configuration
  * [Conf] Disable rspamd_update by default (again)
  * [Conf] Fix configuration sample for ratelimit
  * [CritFix] Disable broken url tags by default
  * [CritFix] Fix \0 processing when doing RSA sign
  * [CritFix] Fix adding symbols to their primary groups
  * [Feature] Add `rspamadm cookie` utility
  * [Feature] Add specialised functions for generating encrypted cookies
  * [Feature] Add support of cookies in replies module
  * [Feature] Add support of words regexps
  * [Feature] Allow to add 3rd party clang plugins
  * [Feature] Allow to create lua regexps from glob or plain patterns
  * [Feature] Allow to set custom limits for upstream lists
  * [Feature] Detect orphaned parts and attach them to message
  * [Feature] Filter tokens in bayes
  * [Feature] Fold b= value when doing arc sealing
  * [Feature] Ignore cookies in the future and too old in the past
  * [Feature] Skip stop words in statistics
  * [Feature] Store stop words and allow to query them
  * [Feature] Support query arguments in controller's custom commands
  * [Feature] Tune upstream limits in Rspamd proxy
  * [Feature] Use different callback symbols for different uribls
  * [Feature] Write DKIM selector in dkim allow/reject symbols
  * [Fix] Add obs_fws state support to eoh state machine
  * [Fix] Add sanity check when applying mime boundaries heuristic
  * [Fix] Antivirus - virus names with 0 were recognized as tables
  * [Fix] Disable headernames in bayes temporarily
  * [Fix] Do not allow syntax errors in include files...
  * [Fix] Do not allow to merge an object with an array (or vice versa)
  * [Fix] Don't perform forged recipients check for missing recipients
  * [Fix] Fix DKIM based RBLs
  * [Fix] Fix actrie implementation (sync from upstream), fixed OOB read
  * [Fix] Fix explicit methods call in selectors
  * [Fix] Fix extraction of additional parts
  * [Fix] Fix finalization for internal plugins
  * [Fix] Fix override_defaults function
  * [Fix] Fix squeezed symbols when using settings
  * [Fix] Fix urls insertion in Clickhouse module
  * [Fix] Furhter fixes to ratelimits logic
  * [Fix] Ignore signatures when looking for boundaries
  * [Fix] Properly set learned count
  * [Fix] Really fix ratelimits configuration and work
  * [Fix] Remove ambigious format flag from printf
  * [Fix] Restore URLs exporting in ClickHouse plugin
  * [Fix] Rework bayes calculations...
  * [Fix] Switch from chi-square to naive for large Fisher value
  * [Fix] Treat normal password as enable password if there is no enable password
  * [Fix] Use proper syntax for making DNS requests
  * [Fix] Various fixes in embedded plugins
  * [Project] Change fuzzy check selection logic to lua_fuzzy library
  * [Project] Rework async events and symbols
  * [Project] Move all metatokens in Bayes to lua_stat from C
  * [WebUI] Add history rows per page control

1.8.1: 16 Oct 2018
  * [CritFix] Fix options insertion
  * [CritFix] Fix words decay one more time (affects long messages)
  * [CritFix] Increase default words_decay
  * [CritFix] Plug memory leak in redis pool
  * [Feature] Add `check_violation` feature to DKIM/ARC signing
  * [Feature] Add only unique elements to Clickhouse url arrays
  * [Feature] Allow `g+:` and `g-:` composite atoms
  * [Feature] Allow dkim domains check in surbl
  * [Feature] Allow maps with HTTP auth
  * [Feature] Allow to disable actions by users settings
  * [Feature] Extend whitelisting options
  * [Feature] Store url object in images
  * [Feature] Use verdict instead of the plain action in plugins
  * [Fix] Allow to call fstring append with NULL string
  * [Fix] DCC - luacheck
  * [Fix] Do not load torch on each rspamadm invocation
  * [Fix] Fix boundaries detection and rework stop words algorithm
  * [Fix] Fix dependencies for DNS_SIGNED symbol
  * [Fix] Fix errors when dealing with dynamic rates/bursts in Ratelimit
  * [Fix] Fix groups mess
  * [Fix] Fix groups mess
  * [Fix] Fix parsing address with comments
  * [Fix] Fix resolving in DMARC reports
  * [Fix] Fix various issues with parsing of the received headers
  * [Fix] Fix watchers issue in lua_tcp when doing no resolving
  * [Fix] Plug memory leak in language detector (affects reloads)
  * [Fix] Remove one letter stop words
  * [Fix] Slashing: backport chunk logic from libucl
  * [Fix] Stop libevent from using cached time in rspamadm
  * [Fix] Try to fix watchers chaining
  * [Fix] Various fixes in redis sync interface
  * [Fix] ip_score - respect check_authed and check_local settings from config
  * [Project] Rework passthrough actions
  * [Project] Clustering module
  * [Rework] Always create result for a task
  * [Rework] Completely rewrite DMARC checks logic
  * [Rework] Rework and fix whitelist plugin
  * [WebUI] Add symbols sorting buttons
  * [WebUI] Change symbols order without updating history
  * [WebUI] Colorize symbols
  * [WebUI] Do not display password form when secure_ip is set
  * [WebUI] Fix symbol description tooltips display
  * [WebUI] History: add sorting by symbol score value


 mail/rspamd/Makefile    |    5 +-
 mail/rspamd/PLIST       |  182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 mail/rspamd/ |    4 +-
 mail/rspamd/distinfo    |   14 +--
 4 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diffs (271 lines):

diff -r dfc12254f61f -r 0b2cddbaedc1 mail/rspamd/Makefile
--- a/mail/rspamd/Makefile      Fri Jun 21 14:06:48 2019 +0000
+++ b/mail/rspamd/Makefile      Fri Jun 21 15:00:12 2019 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.52 2019/04/03 00:32:52 ryoon Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.53 2019/06/21 15:00:12 jperkin Exp $
-DISTNAME=      rspamd-1.8.0
+DISTNAME=      rspamd-1.9.4
 CATEGORIES=    mail
diff -r dfc12254f61f -r 0b2cddbaedc1 mail/rspamd/PLIST
--- a/mail/rspamd/PLIST Fri Jun 21 14:06:48 2019 +0000
+++ b/mail/rspamd/PLIST Fri Jun 21 15:00:12 2019 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.15 2018/10/07 20:10:57 fhajny Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.16 2019/06/21 15:00:12 jperkin Exp $
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@
@@ -140,79 +143,106 @@
@@ -255,10 +285,10 @@
-@pkgdir etc/rspamd
diff -r dfc12254f61f -r 0b2cddbaedc1 mail/rspamd/
--- a/mail/rspamd/   Fri Jun 21 14:06:48 2019 +0000
+++ b/mail/rspamd/   Fri Jun 21 15:00:12 2019 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.2 2018/10/07 20:10:57 fhajny Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.3 2019/06/21 15:00:12 jperkin Exp $
 # Do not edit, regenerate post-extract using 'make cfgfiles'
 CFGFILES= \ actions.conf common.conf composites.conf groups.conf metrics.conf modules.conf modules.d/antivirus.conf 
modules.d/arc.conf modules.d/asn.conf modules.d/clickhouse.conf modules.d/dcc.conf modules.d/dkim_signing.conf modules.d/dkim.conf modules.d/dmarc.conf modules.d/elastic.conf modules.d/emails.conf 
modules.d/force_actions.conf modules.d/forged_recipients.conf modules.d/fuzzy_check.conf modules.d/greylist.conf modules.d/hfilter.conf modules.d/history_redis.conf modules.d/chartable.conf 
modules.d/ip_score.conf modules.d/maillist.conf modules.d/metadata_exporter.conf modules.d/metric_exporter.conf modules.d/mid.conf modules.d/milter_headers.conf modules.d/mime_types.conf 
modules.d/multimap.conf modules.d/mx_check.conf modules.d/neural.conf modules.d/once_received.conf modules.d/phishing.conf modules.d/ratelimit.conf modules.d/rbl.conf modules.d/redis.conf 
modules.d/regexp.conf modules.d/replies.conf modules.d/reputation.conf modules.d/rspamd_update.conf modules.d/spamassassin.conf modules.d/spamtrap.conf modules.d/spf.conf modules.d/surbl.conf 
modules.d/trie.conf modules.d/url_redirector.conf modules.d/url_reputation.conf modules.d/url_tags.conf modules.d/whitelist.conf rspamd.conf scores.d/fuzzy_group.conf 
scores.d/headers_group.conf scores.d/hfilter_group.conf scores.d/mime_types_group.conf scores.d/mua_group.conf scores.d/phishing_group.conf scores.d/policies_group.conf scores.d/rbl_group.conf 
scores.d/statistics_group.conf scores.d/subject_group.conf scores.d/surbl_group.conf settings.conf statistic.conf actions.conf common.conf composites.conf groups.conf metrics.conf modules.conf modules.d/antivirus.conf 
modules.d/arc.conf modules.d/asn.conf modules.d/chartable.conf modules.d/clickhouse.conf modules.d/dcc.conf modules.d/dkim.conf modules.d/dkim_signing.conf modules.d/dmarc.conf modules.d/elastic.conf 
modules.d/emails.conf modules.d/external_services.conf modules.d/force_actions.conf modules.d/forged_recipients.conf modules.d/fuzzy_check.conf modules.d/greylist.conf modules.d/hfilter.conf 
modules.d/history_redis.conf modules.d/ip_score.conf modules.d/maillist.conf modules.d/metadata_exporter.conf modules.d/metric_exporter.conf modules.d/mid.conf modules.d/milter_headers.conf 
modules.d/mime_types.conf modules.d/multimap.conf modules.d/mx_check.conf modules.d/neural.conf modules.d/once_received.conf modules.d/phishing.conf modules.d/ratelimit.conf modules.d/rbl.conf 
modules.d/redis.conf modules.d/regexp.conf modules.d/replies.conf modules.d/reputation.conf modules.d/rspamd_update.conf modules.d/spamassassin.conf modules.d/spamtrap.conf modules.d/spf.conf 
modules.d/surbl.conf modules.d/trie.conf modules.d/url_redirector.conf modules.d/url_reputation.conf modules.d/url_tags.conf modules.d/whitelist.conf rspamd.conf 
scores.d/fuzzy_group.conf scores.d/headers_group.conf scores.d/hfilter_group.conf scores.d/mime_types_group.conf scores.d/mua_group.conf scores.d/phishing_group.conf scores.d/policies_group.conf 
scores.d/rbl_group.conf scores.d/statistics_group.conf scores.d/subject_group.conf scores.d/surbl_group.conf scores.d/whitelist_group.conf settings.conf statistic.conf
diff -r dfc12254f61f -r 0b2cddbaedc1 mail/rspamd/distinfo
--- a/mail/rspamd/distinfo      Fri Jun 21 14:06:48 2019 +0000
+++ b/mail/rspamd/distinfo      Fri Jun 21 15:00:12 2019 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.28 2018/10/12 12:49:28 roy Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.29 2019/06/21 15:00:12 jperkin Exp $
-SHA1 (rspamd-1.8.0.tar.gz) = 918331a060246d921c89ffc42e99feed0335a89a
-RMD160 (rspamd-1.8.0.tar.gz) = 2a263670bf68b22792f52e39b2fb44a6c2e42da5
-SHA512 (rspamd-1.8.0.tar.gz) = 6e254abc70da5db1562273a5772ed90bc43a9cfdcb04f45b3e99706e69a98ff16cef8081284c8a8d73eae2ba5ae6870402280b5391804c14e3ca3206f7f7b4d6
-Size (rspamd-1.8.0.tar.gz) = 4261319 bytes
+SHA1 (rspamd-1.9.4.tar.gz) = a6f10a6f676a389c11566e50dc0ef9c28240c46c
+RMD160 (rspamd-1.9.4.tar.gz) = 776b5ab95caf2c2b0f59cf34563ffaead8aebd7a
+SHA512 (rspamd-1.9.4.tar.gz) = 3acecec6adb91580ac2ad96419fdc9588b120ec5a3b4a44135fc5a3e7c15f2dbc99963a8337f9effb9423846489545a55d89d1849c5ba62d8cd91dc67c32d8dc
+Size (rspamd-1.9.4.tar.gz) = 4476230 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-CMakeLists.txt) = 1d3e66b52ef38638674baf4c10b68c97b2ca38ad
+SHA1 (patch-contrib_fpconv_fpconv.c) = b1ec2b07570674458e69020ccbf25f0374d894f6
 SHA1 (patch-src_CMakeLists.txt) = c80015bb275ba8b9ad31491311275bf353f8f30a
-SHA1 (patch-src_libcryptobox_cryptobox.c) = 3173790f26ef713777fdfd3a7fc642d9c1ea6444
-SHA1 (patch-test_CMakeLists.txt) = 2e4aafd860f0f120928cce49b0995c739558bf0d
-SHA1 (patch-test_rspamd__lua__pcall__vs__resume__test.c) = 65e901af64ebcd983310707da9814fa09aa11410

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