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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/mail/thunderbird60 Update to 60.9.1

branches:  trunk
changeset: 419671:145622cf96f0
user:      ryoon <>
date:      Sat Dec 28 05:55:53 2019 +0000

Update to 60.9.1

* Fix build with rust-1.39.0

Problem with Google authentication (OAuth2)

Offer to configure Exchange accounts for Office365. A third-party add-on is required for this account type. IMAP still exists as alternative.

Security fixes
#CVE-2019-11739: Covert Content Attack on S/MIME encryption using a crafted multipart/alternative message
#CVE-2019-11746: Use-after-free while manipulating video
#CVE-2019-11744: XSS by breaking out of title and textarea elements using innerHTML
#CVE-2019-11742: Same-origin policy violation with SVG filters and canvas to steal cross-origin images
#CVE-2019-11752: Use-after-free while extracting a key value in IndexedDB
#CVE-2019-11743: Cross-origin access to unload event attributes
#CVE-2019-11740: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 69, Firefox ESR 68.1, Firefox ESR 60.9, Thunderbird 68.1, and Thunderbird 60.9


 mail/thunderbird60/Makefile                                                |     18 +-
 mail/thunderbird60/distinfo                                                |     11 +-
 mail/thunderbird60/files/                                     |  20907 ++++++++++
 mail/thunderbird60/files/                                       |    440 +
 mail/thunderbird60/files/                      |   1741 +
 mail/thunderbird60/files/                                        |   2037 +
 mail/thunderbird60/patches/ |     57 +
 7 files changed, 25204 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 25272 to 300 lines):

diff -r 092b98bbf325 -r 145622cf96f0 mail/thunderbird60/Makefile
--- a/mail/thunderbird60/Makefile       Sat Dec 28 05:50:10 2019 +0000
+++ b/mail/thunderbird60/Makefile       Sat Dec 28 05:55:53 2019 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2019/11/02 16:25:29 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2019/12/28 05:55:53 ryoon Exp $
 DISTNAME=      thunderbird-${TB_VER}.source
 PKGNAME=       thunderbird60-${TB_VER}
-TB_VER=                60.9.0
+TB_VER=                60.9.1
 CATEGORIES=    mail
 MASTER_SITES=  ${MASTER_SITE_MOZILLA:=thunderbird/releases/${TB_VER}/source/}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.xz
@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@
        mv ${WRKSRC}${MOZILLA_DIR}/gfx/ycbcr/yuv_row_arm.s \
+       ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/third_party/rust/cssparser/.cargo-checksum.json \
+               ${WRKSRC}/third_party/rust/cssparser/.cargo-checksum.json.orig
+       ${CAT} ${WRKSRC}/third_party/rust/cssparser/.cargo-checksum.json.orig | \
+               ${SED} -e 's/9ed4aec998221eb2d2ba99db2f9f82a02399fb0c3b8500627f68f5aab872adde/a90050bca85b7d52e976278752484ec47f1d0aebc0509afc8f40861f9a557e1a/' \
+               > ${WRKSRC}/third_party/rust/cssparser/.cargo-checksum.json
+       # Use pre-generated binding files (generated by rust-1.37.0).
+       # Original file is not up-to-date and rust-1.39.0 generates
+       # incorrect files. Fix build with rust-1.39.0.
+       ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/*.rs ${WRKSRC}/servo/components/style/gecko/generated
        cd ${WRKSRC} && mkdir ${OBJDIR}
@@ -53,6 +62,11 @@
        cd ${WRKSRC}${MOZILLA_DIR}/js/src && ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} autoconf
        touch ${WRKSRC}/.mozconfig
+# For --disable-stylo-build-bindgen
+       ${MKDIR} -p ${WRKSRC}/${OBJDIR}/dist/rust_bindings/style
+       ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/*.rs ${WRKSRC}/${OBJDIR}/dist/rust_bindings/style
 # XXX for some reason it doesn't work unless -j is explicitly specified
diff -r 092b98bbf325 -r 145622cf96f0 mail/thunderbird60/distinfo
--- a/mail/thunderbird60/distinfo       Sat Dec 28 05:50:10 2019 +0000
+++ b/mail/thunderbird60/distinfo       Sat Dec 28 05:55:53 2019 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2019/09/21 11:23:28 ryoon Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2019/12/28 05:55:53 ryoon Exp $
-SHA1 (thunderbird-60.9.0.source.tar.xz) = e2378df848679ecd80493e6c7fda6c2ab4258d3f
-RMD160 (thunderbird-60.9.0.source.tar.xz) = dc8c1c9d5f4bbc2ee6394f3961287943f79eb294
-SHA512 (thunderbird-60.9.0.source.tar.xz) = f59d48fba7fb8a4bf7cb160e6ca2508312a7fce950c12f133206935bcdb4c9844a9cb063aa3aae67c82562d2a51e123cc1f5bbad0238a1e5ce386c514295bdd1
-Size (thunderbird-60.9.0.source.tar.xz) = 286400364 bytes
+SHA1 (thunderbird-60.9.1.source.tar.xz) = ce6b4e411e8f5da3e217122e9bf61553ce76b1a7
+RMD160 (thunderbird-60.9.1.source.tar.xz) = 9e771f2540e34d222cfb85f3ae9e108364881209
+SHA512 (thunderbird-60.9.1.source.tar.xz) = a56fcd4a529925da48c652f087c304b092e0a326673c10ef43151953fe2b7d7b50b86281a403b075397fe46bdb0d15bb02a4b43d6f368803e4033163a8ddb0ea
+Size (thunderbird-60.9.1.source.tar.xz) = 283316784 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-browser_app_profile_firefox.js) = a939d5d4f0284f66a83bc0062f0fc173e6f75bd2
 SHA1 (patch-build_moz.configure_old.configure) = 6cded37360c0609e780f4fdd19ed5e81d5de43f3
 SHA1 (patch-build_moz.configure_rust.configure) = 98a009b91dc10b741d3fff3103c782d63373ad29
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 SHA1 ( = b07dfc91bae3f94b7da0c5dab523a6901b9b1bf7
 SHA1 ( = 3fd66ec7c6af23a3e2b3299b68c48777ab62b48b
 SHA1 ( = 1df2f6580da3c4a2fadd7ddcead000fa3c8a6a14
+SHA1 ( = 97d89ca616271dea3dd564b1e96f0087c21e8be0
 SHA1 (patch-toolkit_components_terminator_nsTerminator.cpp) = 11201c556ceb111ccf028df10fdda335e8fdb0c3
 SHA1 ( = 429745ec028ce71d8ba2457679b715ac14b6e2d3
 SHA1 (patch-toolkit_moz.configure) = 994c8ff526984482b0e5fa26176ed6c20380a97d
diff -r 092b98bbf325 -r 145622cf96f0 mail/thunderbird60/files/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mail/thunderbird60/files/    Sat Dec 28 05:55:53 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20907 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* Autogenerated file created by components/style/gecko/binding_tools/, DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY */
+use gecko_bindings::structs::nsStaticAtom;
+use string_cache::Atom;
+pub enum nsICSSPseudoElement {}
+pub enum nsICSSAnonBoxPseudo {}
+pub unsafe fn atom_from_static(ptr: *mut nsStaticAtom) -> Atom {
+    Atom::from_static(ptr)
+cfg_if! {
+    if #[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))] {
+        extern {
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6_emptyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__empty: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms3mozE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_moz: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12mozframetypeE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozframetype: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11_moz_absposE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_abspos: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms14_moz_activatedE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_activated: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms14_moz_anonclassE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_anonclass: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13_moz_resizingE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_resizing: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms18mozallowfullscreenE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozallowfullscreen: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms7moztypeE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_moztype: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms8mozdirtyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozdirty: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms25mozdisallowselectionprintE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozdisallowselectionprint: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12mozdonotsendE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozdonotsend: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms18mozeditorbogusnodeE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozeditorbogusnode: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms25mozgeneratedcontentbeforeE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozgeneratedcontentbefore: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms24mozgeneratedcontentafterE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozgeneratedcontentafter: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms24mozgeneratedcontentimageE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozgeneratedcontentimage: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms8mozquoteE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozquote: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12mozsignatureE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_mozsignature: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13_moz_is_glyphE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_is_glyph: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms18_moz_original_sizeE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_original_size: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11_moz_targetE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__moz_target: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms10menuactiveE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_menuactive: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13_poundDefaultE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__poundDefault: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9_asteriskE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__asterisk: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms1aE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_a: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms4abbrE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_abbr: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms5abortE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_abort: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms5aboveE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_above: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9acceltextE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_acceltext: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6acceptE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_accept: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13acceptcharsetE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_acceptcharset: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9accesskeyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_accesskey: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms7acronymE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_acronym: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6actionE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_action: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6activeE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_active: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms19activetitlebarcolorE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_activetitlebarcolor: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13activateontabE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_activateontab: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms7actuateE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_actuate: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms7addressE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_address: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms5afterE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_after: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9after_endE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_after_end: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11after_startE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_after_start: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms5alignE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_align: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms5alinkE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_alink: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms3allE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_all: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9allowdirsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowdirs: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11alloweventsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowevents: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms23allownegativeassertionsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allownegativeassertions: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms10allowformsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowforms: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms15allowfullscreenE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowfullscreen: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11allowmodalsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowmodals: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms20alloworientationlockE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_alloworientationlock: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms19allowpaymentrequestE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowpaymentrequest: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms16allowpointerlockE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowpointerlock: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms26allowpopupstoescapesandboxE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowpopupstoescapesandbox: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11allowpopupsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowpopups: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms17allowpresentationE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowpresentation: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms15allowsameoriginE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowsameorigin: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12allowscriptsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowscripts: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms18allowtopnavigationE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowtopnavigation: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms14allowuntrustedE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_allowuntrusted: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms3altE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_alt: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9alternateE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_alternate: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6alwaysE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_always: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms8ancestorE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_ancestor: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms14ancestorOrSelfE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_ancestorOrSelf: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6anchorE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_anchor: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms4_andE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms__and: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms10animationsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_animations: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6anonidE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_anonid: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12anonlocationE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_anonlocation: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms3anyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_any: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms6appletE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_applet: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12applyImportsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_applyImports: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms14applyTemplatesE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_applyTemplates: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms7archiveE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_archive: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms4areaE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_area: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms21aria_activedescendantE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_activedescendant: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11aria_atomicE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_atomic: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms17aria_autocompleteE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_autocomplete: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9aria_busyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_busy: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12aria_checkedE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_checked: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_controlsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_controls: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12aria_currentE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_current: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms16aria_describedbyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_describedby: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_disabledE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_disabled: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms15aria_dropeffectE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_dropeffect: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_expandedE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_expanded: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11aria_flowtoE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_flowto: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_haspopupE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_haspopup: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms11aria_hiddenE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_hidden: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12aria_invalidE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_invalid: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms15aria_labelledbyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_labelledby: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms10aria_levelE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_level: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9aria_liveE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_live: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms14aria_multilineE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_multiline: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms20aria_multiselectableE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_multiselectable: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms9aria_ownsE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_owns: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_posinsetE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_posinset: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms12aria_pressedE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_pressed: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_readonlyE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_readonly: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_relevantE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_relevant: *mut nsStaticAtom;
+            #[link_name = "_ZN9nsGkAtoms13aria_requiredE"]
+            pub static nsGkAtoms_aria_required: *mut nsStaticAtom;

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