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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/emulators/dosbox-x dosbox-x: Update to 0.83.6

branches:  trunk
changeset: 440465:e0fdb32b8854
user:      nia <>
date:      Fri Oct 09 07:31:44 2020 +0000

dosbox-x: Update to 0.83.6

  - Improved internal Voodoo card hardware emulation,
    such as fixing the font issue with the 3dfx version
    of Tomb Raider when using non-Glide mode. Portions
    of the code are ported from DOSBox ECE. (Wengier)
  - Added OpenGL shader support by porting the feature
    from DOSBox SVN. GLSL shaders are now supported in
    both SDL1 and SDL2 builds, and this also allows
    pixel-perfect scaling to be enabled for the OpenGL
    outputs. The config option "glshader" (in [render]
    section) can be used to specify a GLSL shader file
    or a built-in shader when the output is set to
    "opengl" or "openglnb". For example, you can use
    the setting "glshader=sharp" (built-in shader) or
    "glshader=pixel_perfect" (with GLSL shader file)
    for the pixel-perfect scaling mode. The Windows
    installer will also copy several GLSL shader files
    to the "glshaders" subdirectory of the DOSBox-X
    install directory to be used directly. (Wengier)
  - Support for FluidSynth MIDI Synthesizer is now
    included in the Windows Visual Studio builds by
    default. Set "mididevice=fluidsynth" and a sound
    font (e.g. GeneralUser_GS.sf2) to use it. (Wengier)
  - Updated the MUNT MT32 emulation library to its
    latest version 2.4.0. A few new MT32 config options
    (starting with "mt32.") are added to [midi] section
    of the DOSBox-X configuration. (Wengier)
  - The DOSMID and MPXPLAY programs have been built
    into DOSBox-X, both can be found on the Z drive and
    feature full-screen user interfaces with support
    for command-line usages (use /? option for help).
    DOSMID can play MIDI/RMI/MUS audio files, whereas
    MPXPLAY is a powerful and flexible audio player
    with support for a variety of formats including
    AAC/AC3/APE/FLAC/MP2/MP3/MPC/OGG/WAV and more with
    playlist support. (Wengier)
  - The mounting options "Mount as Hard Disk", "Mount
    as CD-ROM", "Mount as Floppy", "Mount disk image"
    and "Boot from disk image" (previously only for
    Windows) in the "Drive" menu and the "Quick launch
    program..." in the "DOS" menu are now available
    for non-Windows platforms as well. (Wengier)
  - Added "Shared Windows clipboard functions" menu
    group under "Main", which allows you to enable
    or disable the different ways for DOSBox-X to
    communicate with the Windows clipboard. (Wengier)
  - Added config option "dos clipboard api" in [dos]
    section to control whether to enable the DOS APIs
    for communications with the Windows clipboard for
    DOS applications. (Wengier)
  - Added config option "clip_mouse_button" to select
    a mouse button (middle, right, or none; with right
    mouse button being the default) for copying to and
    pasting from the Windows clipboard. (Wengier)
  - The mouse wheel movements will be automatically
    converted into up/down arrows by default for the
    intergrated DOS now. You can also enable it for
    the guest system from the "Main" menu ("mouse wheel
    movements" -> "Enable for guest systems also") or
    from the config file. (Wengier)
  - Added "Emulate CPU speed" menu group (under "CPU")
    to emulate the speed of a specific CPU class. The
    cycles to emulate are approximations of the actual
    CPU hardware, and they are available thanks to data
    provided by the user maximum105. Also added config
    option "cycle emulation percentage adjust" in [cpu]
    section for users who would like to make relative
    percentage adjustments (between -25% and 25%) in
    case it is necessary. (Wengier)
  - Added SORT command from FreeDOS. It can be used to
    sort input, e.g. "TYPE FILE.TXT | SORT". (Wengier)
  - Added DELTREE command to delete a directory and all
    the subdirectories and files in it as in a real DOS
    system. Please use it with caution. (Wengier)
  - The command for starting the Configuration Tool has
    been renamed from "SHOWGUI" to "CFGTOOL". A new
    command-line option -gui is added to CONFIG command
    to start the Configuration Tool as well. (Wengier)
  - DOSBox-X now includes ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE from
    InfoZip for zipping and unzipping files in DOS.
    Both programs will appear on the Z drive. (Wengier)
  - The powerful DOS CD player called SJGPLAY has been
    built into DOSBox-X. You can now find the program
    CDPLAY.EXE in the Z drive for playing Audio CDs in
    DOS, which supports both graphical and command-line
    usage, and you will also find a text file named
    CDPLAY.TXT in the Z drive for a quick usage guide.
    A zip package including full documentation and some
    extras will additionally appear as SJGPLAY.ZIP in
    the Z drive. This freeware program was written by
    Steve Gray and is now included in DOSBox-X with
    explicit permission of the author. (Wengier)
  - DOSBox-X will now by default show a quit warning
    if a DOS program or game, or a guest system is
    running. The previous behavior can be set with
    "quit warning=autofile". (Wengier)
  - The welcome banner when DOSBox-X starts has been
    improved for a better looking and should provide
    more helpful instructions for users. (Wengier)
  - Add new "Help" menu which includes menu items
    "Introduction", "DOSBox-X homepage", "DOSBox-X Wiki
    guide", "DOSBox-X support" and "About". (Wengier)
  - Improved the message when automatically re-running
    the executable which failed with the "Packed file
    is corrupt" error. Also added the "autoloadfix"
    config option which when set to "false" will not
    automatically re-run such programs. (Wengier)
  - The display for several section names in DOSBox-X's
    graphical configuration tool has been capitalized
    or modified otherwise to look better. A default
    shortcut key HOST(F11/F12)+C is added for starting
    the graphical configuration tool. (Wengier)
  - Added the "Show advanced options" checkbox in the
    main screen of the Configuration GUI to toggle
    whether to display all config options for the
    sections. If unchecked (default), it will show
    common config options instead of all of them. A
    new config option "show advanced options" is added
    which when set to "true" will make the checkbox
    checked by default. (Wengier)
  - Added code to cap the scan line length given to
    the VESA BIOS given the video mode. This prevents
    VBETEST.EXE from doing test patterns smaller than
    the actual display, which can happen with 32bpp
    320x200 modes and 1MB or less video RAM.
  - VESA BIOS Set Scan Line Length fixed to properly
    report and handle scan line length for 16-color
    SVGA planar modes. VBETEST 16-color modes now
    display correctly.
  - Added option to control whether VESA BIOS panning
    (the original VBE call) waits for vsync.
  - Moved video related config options from [dosbox]
    section to its own [video] section. These options
    in existing config files will be automatically
    redirected to the [video] section from the [dosbox]
    section when DOSBox-X starts. Windows installer can
    also move such config options from existing config
    files automatically. (Wengier)
  - Cleared modem phone book before parsing it. Thank
    NicknineTheEagle for the improvement.
  - Improved the help message of MOUNT command. Also
    added option -examples to show its usage examples,
    similar to IMGMOUNT and IMGMAKE commands. (Wengier)
  - Fixed freeze when trying to reboot the internal
    DOS when using a different code page and it is in
    CGA or EGA emulation modes. (Wengier)
  - DOSBox-X will now try to use the internal DOS date
    and time (instead of always using the host date and
    date) for file modication timestamps. (Wengier)
  - Added menu item "Expanded memory (EMS)" under "DOS"
    menu to dynamically enable or disable EMS memory
    at run-time. You can now also modify EMS memory
    with CONFIG command from command-line. (Wengier)
  - Added config option "drive z hide files" (in [dos]
    section) to hide or remove files listed (separated
    by spaces) from the Z drive. If a file has a "/"
    prefix (e.g. "/INTRO.COM"), then the specified file
    will have the hidden attribute ("DIR /A" will list
    all such files) instead of completely disappearing
    from the Z drive. (Wengier)
  - You can now add your own programs or files to the
    Z drive! Put your programs or files in the drivez
    directory located in the DOSBox-X program folder
    or the DOSBox-X configuration directory, and they
    will automatically appear on the Z drive. If any of
    the files have the same names as the built-in ones,
    they will replace the built-in files. For example,
    you can replace the built-in EDIT.COM and XCOPY.EXE
    programs (from FreeDOS) with MS-DOS counterparts.
    Windows installer will now automatically create a
    drivez directory with a README.TXT file in it too.
    For subdirectories support please use MOUNT command
    to mount local directory instead. (Wengier).


 emulators/dosbox-x/Makefile               |  15 +++++++--------
 emulators/dosbox-x/PLIST                  |   4 ++--
 emulators/dosbox-x/distinfo               |  10 +++++-----
 emulators/dosbox-x/files/dosbox-x.desktop |  18 ------------------
 4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diffs (86 lines):

diff -r 336f80ebd3c0 -r e0fdb32b8854 emulators/dosbox-x/Makefile
--- a/emulators/dosbox-x/Makefile       Fri Oct 09 07:30:39 2020 +0000
+++ b/emulators/dosbox-x/Makefile       Fri Oct 09 07:31:44 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2020/08/18 17:57:45 leot Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2020/10/09 07:31:44 nia Exp $
-DISTNAME=      dosbox-x-0.83.4
+DISTNAME=      dosbox-x-0.83.6
 CATEGORIES=    emulators
 MASTER_SITES=  ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=joncampbell123/}
@@ -57,16 +56,16 @@
        ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/dosbox-x ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
-       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/font/FREECG98.BMP \
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/fonts/FREECG98.BMP \
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/icons/dosbox-x.png \
+           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/dosbox-x.png
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/linux/dosbox-x.desktop \
+           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dosbox-x.reference.conf \
-       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/src/dosbox.png \
-           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/dosbox.png
-       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/dosbox-x.desktop \
-           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications
 .include ""
 .include "../../audio/fluidsynth/"
diff -r 336f80ebd3c0 -r e0fdb32b8854 emulators/dosbox-x/PLIST
--- a/emulators/dosbox-x/PLIST  Fri Oct 09 07:30:39 2020 +0000
+++ b/emulators/dosbox-x/PLIST  Fri Oct 09 07:31:44 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2020/05/04 10:22:31 nia Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2020/10/09 07:31:44 nia Exp $
diff -r 336f80ebd3c0 -r e0fdb32b8854 emulators/dosbox-x/distinfo
--- a/emulators/dosbox-x/distinfo       Fri Oct 09 07:30:39 2020 +0000
+++ b/emulators/dosbox-x/distinfo       Fri Oct 09 07:31:44 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.11 2020/08/08 21:36:38 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.12 2020/10/09 07:31:44 nia Exp $
-SHA1 (dosbox-x-0.83.4.tar.gz) = 9839f5f1a39102f403f1e4fc9c1024e56cd2ff47
-RMD160 (dosbox-x-0.83.4.tar.gz) = 93444f4912d8382fd2f9510b7deeadcb07d2a591
-SHA512 (dosbox-x-0.83.4.tar.gz) = 3e4b412294016bc977176f70a4e58ae065824c23a12a2b01ac876029c2c99091d9c5d7802c6e48b886f133051ed5b96845a312890ce39249ebd9f1543b050c8d
-Size (dosbox-x-0.83.4.tar.gz) = 43075901 bytes
+SHA1 (dosbox-x-0.83.6.tar.gz) = bcfb44fe746a225bc464a8c7954522062bd9f8cd
+RMD160 (dosbox-x-0.83.6.tar.gz) = fc12912084e0ba152febebe3541f6879f9b3980f
+SHA512 (dosbox-x-0.83.6.tar.gz) = 6881d7e279d83e732497661bfad9cf64a1475d801416713178d4e48adfff7e3c4d3f84e78764704ff8b0bc76bc4935f0242051f0fd9a1a08261ab0111413e681
+Size (dosbox-x-0.83.6.tar.gz) = 46151537 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-src_dos_dos__programs.cpp) = 99e49762c6812b518917daf21d27d1fb8d2b1681
diff -r 336f80ebd3c0 -r e0fdb32b8854 emulators/dosbox-x/files/dosbox-x.desktop
--- a/emulators/dosbox-x/files/dosbox-x.desktop Fri Oct 09 07:30:39 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-GenericName=DOS Emulator
-Comment=Run old DOS applications
-Comment[ca]=Executeu antigues aplicacions DOS
-Comment[de]=Ein Emulator für alte DOS Programme
-Comment[es]=Un emulador para ejecutar antiguas aplicaciones DOS
-Comment[nl]=Een simulator om oude DOS-spellen te spelen
-Comment[ru]=Запуск старых DOS-приложений
-Comment[it]=Un emulatore per far girare vecchi giochi DOS
-Comment[ua]=Запуск старих DOS-застосувань
-Keywords=DOS Emulator;

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