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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/py-guppy3 py-guppy3: update to 3.1.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 440626:b315f6908ee9
user:      gutteridge <>
date:      Tue Oct 13 21:18:35 2020 +0000

py-guppy3: update to 3.1.0

Change log:

Version 3.1.0

    * Python 3.9 support, no inter-interpreter support
    * Add R_INSET relation for in unordered set relationship
    * Unified MorePrinter code path
    * Set __qualname__ to __name__ on dynamic classes
    * hp.Prod(), .byprod classifier, producer profiler
    * to print tracemalloc results
    * Add .all to MorePrinter


 devel/py-guppy3/DESCR    |  16 +++++++---------
 devel/py-guppy3/Makefile |   6 +++---
 devel/py-guppy3/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diffs (52 lines):

diff -r 55bbad73f602 -r b315f6908ee9 devel/py-guppy3/DESCR
--- a/devel/py-guppy3/DESCR     Tue Oct 13 20:26:38 2020 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-guppy3/DESCR     Tue Oct 13 21:18:35 2020 +0000
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 can be used to formally specify aspects of Python programs and generate tests
 and documentation from a common source.
-Modules which constitute the environment:
-- Heapy: debugging and optimization regarding memory related issues in Python
-  programs
-- GSL (Guppy Specification Language): describes aspects of a system, especially
-  its API, in a way that can be automatically converted to tests as well as to
-  documents
-- Guppy: umbrella package combining Heapy and GSL with support utilities such as
-  the Glue module that keeps things together
+This package contains the following subpackages:
+* etc - Support modules. Contains especially the Glue protocol module.
+* gsl - The Guppy Specification Language implementation. This can be used
+  to create documents and tests from a common source.
+* heapy - The heap analysis toolset. It can be used to find information about
+  the objects in the heap and display the information in various ways.
+* sets - Bitsets and 'nodesets' implemented in C.
diff -r 55bbad73f602 -r b315f6908ee9 devel/py-guppy3/Makefile
--- a/devel/py-guppy3/Makefile  Tue Oct 13 20:26:38 2020 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-guppy3/Makefile  Tue Oct 13 21:18:35 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2020/05/16 07:08:08 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2020/10/13 21:18:35 gutteridge Exp $
-DISTNAME=      guppy3-3.0.10.post1
+DISTNAME=      guppy3-3.1.0
 CATEGORIES=    devel python
diff -r 55bbad73f602 -r b315f6908ee9 devel/py-guppy3/distinfo
--- a/devel/py-guppy3/distinfo  Tue Oct 13 20:26:38 2020 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-guppy3/distinfo  Tue Oct 13 21:18:35 2020 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2020/05/16 07:08:08 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2020/10/13 21:18:35 gutteridge Exp $
-SHA1 (guppy3-3.0.10.post1.tar.gz) = 831f633308ac2f72450133c2f60886c1645f4f38
-RMD160 (guppy3-3.0.10.post1.tar.gz) = 967fbb20f29dab51a808794b8da787e144693540
-SHA512 (guppy3-3.0.10.post1.tar.gz) = 9fc25775a26a6b8d0576c33eb02fb14d34139d23b44ef479df6af5a559012a15046c92a2156f2a8e5c22610c1e7f7217db201c0d6f6cda7d2492faf413305223
-Size (guppy3-3.0.10.post1.tar.gz) = 328698 bytes
+SHA1 (guppy3-3.1.0.tar.gz) = cf8a9b4f433cad88ae866917aad025e81af08e9f
+RMD160 (guppy3-3.1.0.tar.gz) = 499bb40813a6086b22a35cd1fad60fcac5ef57ee
+SHA512 (guppy3-3.1.0.tar.gz) = faa07af3d0b1a962425494e7550a051c37f02a95d356b5a03c44b69a9af520031863bdc3730145af357e4e1434106c686f39e72b12690610ce934123a599a1b4
+Size (guppy3-3.1.0.tar.gz) = 334377 bytes

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